I have a feeling that we as a society are so focused on what not to eat, instead of highlighting what to eat. I believe it’s important to rid your mind of all the “don’ts” and start searching for the “do’s”. Even though there are things that you probably shouldn’t eat, there are plenty of things that you should. Keep reading to learn how to turn your attention to “YES”-Food: A Focus on WHAT TO EAT!
I think there are many ways in which we tend to talk about what not to eat. One way is when we say things like “you should not eat fat” and when you ask why? – no one can really give you an informative answer. Fat can actually be both good and bad for you, depending on the source of it. Our bodies and especially our brains need fat, so the key is to learn what kinds of fat serve us well.
Another way is when people decide to eat healthier and all they ask about is a list of all the things they’re “not allowed” to eat, which ends up being – in most cases, more or less everything they’ve been eating up until this point – which then makes them think it’s almost impossible to eat healthily. By doing this, everything starts off with restrictions and a negative mindset.
I think this is the wrong way of looking at it – there are so many amazing and delicious things that you can eat that are also good for you. So, let’s start by considering what those things can be and how you can start to think differently:
1. Think “Stone Age”
What did we eat before all the industries and processed food? What is natural for my body to digest? The answer is more or less everything that nature provides us with, which is A LOT.
2. Vegetables!
Of course, most of us know they are good for us but you can actually make so many different things with and from them. You don’t have to eat just raw vegetables for it to be healthy, think outside of the punnet and combine it with some of the other things you could and should provide your body with.
3. Natural fat is healthy, don’t be scared of it
Coconut oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, fat from nuts, avocado – I can go on and on. Don’t think that eating healthy means that you should exclude fat. You need to learn what fat to exclude and what fat to include.
4. Sugar, sugar, sugar
It’s added in almost everything you can buy that’s “ready to eat” which makes it difficult to avoid sometimes. The important thing to remember is that you can usually make most of those things yourself, without the sugar. And if you’re looking for a treat – fruits are the best ‘candy’ in the world (nature’s sweets) and you can be so creative with them!