HIIT Workouts: 6 You Can Do At Home!

Do you enjoy working out but don't have time to go to the gym? You don't have to be concerned because you can do it in the comfort of your own home. You can try high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a type of workout that consists of quick bursts of intense effort followed by a short rest. ...

Weight Loss: 3 Tips to Help You Get Started

Year after year, losing weight is among the top New Year’s resolutions, but while so many people mark it at the top of their to-do list, few actually make it a priority — and you can’t blame them! Getting back on track with your health is a tough mountain to climb, especially if you’re coming back ...

FitOn — Fitness Workout App

There are lots of different home workout apps out there, but to the vexation of users, you almost always have to pay. Even if there’s no charge when you first download the app, there are often hidden costs when you try to actually access the workouts, or lots of distracting adverts, or it’s only ...

5 Great Tabata Exercises You Should Do in 2019!

Tabata training was first invented in 1996 by Dr. Izumi Tabata, in Tokyo Japan, after his research concluded that shorter intervals of high intensity training were more beneficial than training for sixty minutes at a moderate pace. However it can be used for other fitness goals as well including ...

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