Search results for: muscle
No Pay, No Gain? 4 Ways to Keep Fit on a Budget!

We all know the phrase “no pain, no gain”, but sometimes it feels like it would ring just as true if the phrase were “no pay, no gain”. While it’s often the case that the cost of common exercise options such as pay-monthly gym memberships or visits to a pay-as-you-go local pool can burn a rather ...

5 Amazing, Healthy Green Foods You Must Eat!

We consume so many different things in a single day. With breakfast, lunch, dinner, all the snacks inbetween and quick trips to the shop in passing, it’s rare that we ever take the time to notice the actual colour of our food. You may think that the colour of food doesn’t matter, but it does. The ...

4 Tips for an Effective, Life-Long Detox

Our bodies are amazing are they not? They're like the cameramen, directors and producers of the movie on the big cinema screen we call life and we wouldn’t be able to act out our parts at all if it wasn’t for them. Given the vast intelligence that governs the systems of our body, (they know how to ...

Doga: Doing Yoga with Your Pet Dog

Have you ever considered practicing yoga with your lovable pet? From time immemorial, dogs have endured as the most faithful and lovable of human companions and they're also emerging as 'yoga assistants' too – heart-warming eh? Doga is an emerging trend that involves doing yoga with your dog. ...

The Myth of Spot Reduction

The word “Myth” means a misconception or a false idea. I’m pretty sure that, at one point or another, you must have heard the saying “keep doing a lot of ab exercises, crunches and sit-ups if you want visible six pack abs.” You know what? I also did and I fell for that idea. When I ballooned my ...

3 Healthy Pescatarian Dishes You Should Try!

Embarking on a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle is, without a doubt, extremely beneficial to your health, but it isn’t always the easiest to commit to when just starting out. There are many days when you'll probably go shopping or order online takeaways and relapse on fatty-meat foods, jeopardizing ...

4 Excellent Benefits of Daily Gym Workouts

In this day and age, it's crucial to adopt at least some physical exercise. Years ago when transportation wasn't as much available as it now, people would walk long distances and remain in pretty robust health. Nowadays however, with the advancement of App technology achieved (think Uber) most of ...

Keep Fit Kingdom
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