Embarking on a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle is, without a doubt, extremely beneficial to your health, but it isn’t always the easiest to commit to when just starting out. There are many days when you’ll probably go shopping or order online takeaways and relapse on fatty-meat foods, jeopardizing the progress you’ve made on the vegetarian diet. The best way to transition into a plant-based diet, is to slowly wean yourself off meat. If you want to make the switch from meat towards a fully-fledged vegetarian diet, read on for 3 Healthy Pescatarian Dishes You Should Try!
There are many reasons why you should consider eating fish instead of meat and how the pescatarian diet can get you that one step closer to becoming a vegetarian.
Fish is low in saturated fat and contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids which have been scientifically proven to reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore fish has a healthy amount of iron which is crucial for those lacking in energy and anemia. Fish contains vitamins which are needed for the body’s metabolic processes as well as for building strong bones and muscles.
1. Prawn Stir Fry
- Boil a pot of water for your noodles.
- Chop up any vegetables you like, such as sweet peppers, onions, carrots, baby corn.
- Put a tablespoon of oil into a wok or frying pan on a medium heat and add the vegetables, then add your prawns and sprinkle it with some spices to flavour.
- Once your noodles are cooked, add that to the stir fry with some optional soy sauce for extra flavour and cook it all together.
2. Tuna Baked Potato with Salad
- Cover your potato with half a teaspoon of oil and place it into the oven heated to 200C.
- After 20 minutes turn the oven down to 170C and allow it to bake for an hour.
- Meanwhile in a pan put a teaspoon of oil and cook the tuna, you can add mayonnaise if you like.
- Once the potato and tuna is done, lay it on a plate and add a generous amount of salad on the side.
3. Salmon with Mashed Potato & Veggies
- Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the salmon and rub it in with half a teaspoon of oil. Put it in the oven heated to 200C roasting it for 6 minutes.
- Meanwhile dice the potatoes and boil for 20-25 minutes.
- When soft, strain them into a bowl and add a spoon of butter and milk and mash it all together.
- Boil some of your favourite vegetables for 5 minutes, to add on the side.