Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Banana Skin

Do you eat the banana skin (or peel) or only the banana itself? To be honest, I never used to eat the peel before – it didn’t really um...“appeel” to me. However, when I learned about the benefits of eating banana skins I started trying it out. Still, I wouldn’t say it’s an exquisite culinary ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is also known as Arctic Root or Golden Root. It grows naturally at high altitudes and can be found in Britain, Asia and North America. It is native to Siberia and was much prized in history by the Vikings to enhance physical strength and endurance and considered an important health ...

3 Delicious Chia Recipes

As a foodie and health nerd, you tend to fall in love with products that you can use for multiple things – like chia seeds for example. With chia seeds, the possibilities are endless. Not only are they useful for cooking, they also boast the most impressive CV at “The company of superfoods” with ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

Why might sourdough be healthier than whole wheat? Sourdough bread undergoes a fermentation process that may alter its starches, making it healthier. Whole wheat bread, meanwhile, undergoes a similar refining process as white bread and a lot of whole wheat products are still made mostly with white ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves

Most of us know that avocados possess many health benefits, it’s kind of old news – but ever important, as they're hardly ever going to go out of style. Did you know that avocado leaves are equally as good for you? Avocado leaves actually contain more nutrients than the fruit itself. They are rich ...

Medical Benefits of CBD — infographic

There's an increasing buzz surrounding the topic of CBD oil with 7% of Americans already using some kind of CBD-based product, and 40% considering using it. Want to find out if it will leave you buzzed, or if it can actually treat certain conditions? Then, we hope you'll find this Medical Benefits ...

4 Great Healthy-Eating Travel Tips!

How do your eating habits change when you’re travelling? Do you let go of all of them or do you stay rigid? For me it’s important to maintain my eating the best way possible, otherwise I find myself out of balance – both mentally and physically. If you want to know how I stay healthy, sans too much ...

Top 3 Indonesian Teas and their Health Benefits

There were many reasons why the Dutch wanted to conquer Indonesia so vigorously. One of the prominent reasons, at least per what history suggests, was that this land was a haven for herbs. The tropical climate of Indonesia has gifted it with ample sunshine; making the conditions here ideal for ...

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