Top 5 Cognitive Health Benefits of Coffee

With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is certainly one of the world’s most popular drinks. So many of us can’t - or won’t - get through the day without it (this writer included). But a cup of coffee may provide more than just an energy boost. Coffee contains hundreds of ...

The Doctor’s Kitchen: Sri Lankan Cashew Curry

Here’s another recipe (first one was Baked Rainbow Chard With Apricots & Walnuts) given with kind permission by Dr Rupy Aujla, taken from his new book “The Doctor’s Kitchen: Eat to Beat Illness” – out now from Harper Thorsons. Read on for how to make Dr. Rupy’s Sri Lankan Cashew Curry.  I was ...

Benefits of Kratom

Kratom or 'Mitragyna speciosa' is a Southeast Asian evergreen tree belonging to the coffee family. It is indigenous to Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Malaysia. It has been used in traditional medicine since the 19th century and has a stimulant effect and opioid properties. ...

8 Colourful Superfood Lattes You Should Try!

What’s the deal with the colourful lattes we’re seeing at all our favourite coffee shops? Is it seriously ok to drink such bright, almost fluorescent concoctions? The answer is yes. Rich in nutritional value, these botanical lattes can provide a healthy jump start to your day. Great for a sweet ...

5 Top Brain-Boosting Foods

The brain is such a vital part of the human body. It is responsible for many key functions such as breathing and circulation of the blood. If it is so important, we should look after it and help it out where we can. In the media there is a lot of emphasis on other parts of the body and how to keep ...

10-Year Veggie: My story so far…

Eating a vegetarian diet isn’t nearly as uncommon as it once was with many people making the switch due to its association with improved health outcomes including lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Research has shown that vegetarians tend to consume a ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Brahmi

Brahmi, also known as waterhyssop and bacopa monnieri, is a non-aromatic perennial herb originating from the wetlands of Australia, Europe, Africa, south east India, Asia and North and South America. It is used in the ancient, traditional Indian medical system, Ayurveda, and it's named 'Brahmi' ...

5 Ideal Foods for Martial Arts Success

This article serves to provide a general overview of the nutrition involved in martial arts highlighting the essential nutrients that contribute to a vigorous athlete's healthy diet. The aim is to understand how your body utilises food in order to perform to its maximum capacity and ultimately give ...

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