weight loss
Top 5 Benefits of Eating Superfoods!

Today, everyone seems to be focused on eating their way to a healthy life; by now, we're mostly aware of the importance your nutrition has on your body. But with our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to eat a wide variety of food. By including known superfoods in your diet, you can get a more ...

Top 5 Benefits of Plyometrics!

Plyometrics ('jump' or 'shock' exercises) are defined as “exercises where muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, aiming to increase power and speed.” Typically performed with just your own body weight, plyometrics can be a useful tool in your fitness arsenal. They were invented by ...

Top 5 Benefits of HIIT!

Ever felt like you’re not getting the best out of your long 60-minute run? Or simply don’t have the time to do it? HIIT training or High-Intensity Interval Training involves the use of short cardiovascular intervals switching between high-intensity periods with low intense periods. The aim of this ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Fava Beans!

Also known as 'broad beans' or 'horse beans', fava beans, like most all other legumes, provide you with a number of health advantages. They are loaded with vitamins: K, C, and nutrients zinc, copper, iron, magnesium and more. Read on for these Top 5 Health Benefits of Fava Beans! 1. Help keep ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts!

The tropical cashew tree is an evergreen plant responsible for the production of the cashew seed, the lesser known cashew fruit and is native to the Amazon forests of Brazil. The majority of cashew nuts are produced commercially in India, Vietnam and Africa. The cashew fruit, known as the cashew ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chickpeas!

Chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, belong to the legume family and are among the most easily digested thanks to their thin shell. You probably know that your beloved hummus (or houmous) is made from chickpeas, but did you know that they were used as an alternative to coffee in the 18th century? They've ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kola Nuts!

The kola nut is a seed from a tree of the Sterculiaceae family, with the most prominent species being Cola Vera, Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. This tree is believed to be the first tree on Earth by certain Nigerian tribes. If you feel as though you've never heard of this valuable seed, you may be ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Basil Seeds!

Basil seeds, also known as 'sabja seeds' or 'sweet basil seeds', come from the well-known basil plant. Originating in India, the many health benefits and uses of these small black seeds has spread across to other countries in Asia. High in vitamins and minerals, they have been used for centuries to ...

Top 5 Benefits of Bikram Yoga!

Most of you will have done yoga but only a few of you will have turned the intensity up a notch and given Bikram yoga a go. Bikram refers to the founder of the practice 'Bikram Choudhury' a yoga guru from India and involves 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in a room heated to 42 degrees with ...

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