Weeds: 5 Unknown Superfood Varieties You Must Try!

Nowadays you will see superfood trends everywhere from the acai berry to the goji berry and beyond - but the reality is that these berries, roots, and herbs have been around since the dawn of time and so aren’t as original as you may think. In this list I want to share with you the wonder of weeds ...

Asparagus: Top 5 Health Benefits

Scientifically known by the name asparagus officinalis, the vegetable dates back to at least 3000 BC and has been seen captured as a blessing or benefaction on Egyptian frieze (or wall art). It is thought that asparagus was freshly consumed by the Romans and Greeks during the seasonal period and ...

8 Colourful Superfood Lattes You Should Try!

What’s the deal with the colourful lattes we’re seeing at all our favourite coffee shops? Is it seriously ok to drink such bright, almost fluorescent concoctions? The answer is yes. Rich in nutritional value, these botanical lattes can provide a healthy jump start to your day. Great for a sweet ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Lucuma!

Lucuma (pronounced ‘Loo-Koo-Ma’) is a superfruit grown in Peru, Ecuador and Chile. It has been eaten throughout South America since about 200AD. It's usually found in powder form and has a sweet taste which makes it perfect to be added to smoothies or other food. Referred to as the ‘Gold of the ...

Lielit – Teff Flour

Lielit are a London-based company who produce the finest Teff flour. Teff is an ancient grain which is grown in Ethiopia and Eritrea and comes in a variety of colours, from dark red to light brown. Lielit believe that Teff is full of nutrients which should be used for a healthy and balanced diet. ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Acai Berries!

The Acai (pronounced "ah'sai'ee") berry is one of those fairly well-established 'superberries' on the market. Grown in the rainforests of Brazil, it's often found added into a range of smoothies as well as put into capsules and sold in health care stores. It possesses many health benefits, high ...

Dulse ‘Bacon’ Seaweed

When we first got the lowdown on what’s been found under the sea we all thought we had sand in our ears but it’s true! The latest bacon replacement is a strain of seaweed called Dulse that according to scientists at Oregon State University has double the nutritional value of kale, is overflowing ...

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