Can You Use CBD Oil for Pain Management?

Cannabinoid (CBD) oil has become very popular in recent years. One of these reasons is that many studies have reported that it’s beneficial for health. Namely, it can help to treat some medical conditions, including anxiety and stress, pain, skin problems, inflammation, heart health issues, and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is a type of grass that looks like the grass growing in your back yard, but it’s not. Actually, wheatgrass comes from the wheat plant and is also called “baby wheat”. Although the name might suggest that the grass contains wheat and therefore also gluten, it's actually 100 % gluten-free. ...

How to Destroy Disease

Let's get to the bottom line fast, people are sick of being sick — taking medicine, prescription drugs, losing days or months or even years of their lives to heart disease, cancer and the slow burn of depression. Who really wants to spend (the very limited) time they have on Earth investing ...

Top 5 Benefits of Cupping

Even though cupping was practiced across the world in ancient times, it's one of those remedies that you don’t hear often about nowadays, aside from eclectic showbiz types having a go. It is a form of alternative medicine; and as denoted by its name, it involves cups being placed on specific parts ...

Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture

It may sound absurd to some that inserting fine needles at specific points in your body can actually have therapeutic effects for a range of diseases and conditions. Nonetheless, this ancient Chinese medical technique continues to withstand the test of time, having proven its clinical efficacy ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Slippery Elm!

Slippery elm (scientifically known as 'Ulmus rubra' and native to eastern North  America) is an elm with coarsely textured leaves and a rough outer bark. Here is some surprising info that will certainly interest you to pick some up on your next health-food store visit. Read on for our Top 5 Health ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tamarind!

Tamarind is a sticky, fleshy, pulpy fruit with a sweet and tangy taste that grows within brown pods. It’s been a widely used spice-condiment staple in the South-Asian kitchen for thousands of years. However, the fruit is not only used for culinary purposes, but also for medical ones thanks to its ...

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