Often in life, a challenge a lot of us face is being able to stay present in the moment, as our thoughts usually cause us to drift away. Have you ever had an unpleasant memory from your past resurface in your mind, disrupting your present happiness? The ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono is ...
READ MORE +Sciatica often arises from a lack of proper body-posture awareness, physical activity, and sitting for a long time. Many people take pain killers for relief from this discomfort. However, painkillers are not the final or best solution for sciatica. Regular massages, a chiropractor, and a proper ...
READ MORE +Gianna Simone is an American model, (mentioned by Vogue magazine as among the "Best Dressed" women), Hollywood actress, producer and an avid aerialist. She's also a great ambassador of the plant-based/vegan lifestyle and her passion for this is clear in her dedicated Amazon Prime series “Love, ...
READ MORE +The art of healing our bodies via scent. Aromatherapy uses the burning or steaming of essential oils and herbs to create fragrances that medicinally improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. A holistic style of treatment, aromatherapy is a practice that is known to help lift your mood ...
READ MORE +Reiki is a technique that focuses on energy to help the individual heal, relax and reduce stress. It's a spiritual, vibrational technique that aims to bring balance to the human body. You can get a healing treatment from a professional, or you can practice Reiki regularly to see the effects on ...
READ MORE +Around ten thousand years ago, Ayurveda was born in India. It is a metaphysical yet practical system of holistic healing and medicine. The classical Ayurvedic texts say that the medical knowledge was transferred from Dhanvantari, an incarnation of the Avatar Vishnu. Legend says that he incarnated ...
READ MORE +Alexis Brink is the CEO of the Jin Shin Institute in New York City, USA where she maintains a private practice. Her journey into healing started as a 25 year-old dancer from Holland looking to heal a challenging knee injury sustained from endless hours of dance practice and performance while she ...
READ MORE +After years' of over medicating and treating symptoms of illnesses rather than the root of the problem, individuals are beginning to pay more attention to natural and herbal medicine. Today, we interview Delphin Rabehaja, Director of the Department of Phytochemistry and Quality Control at the ...
READ MORE +You might be wrapping yourselves in a warm blanket with a nice cup of hot chocolate right about now and, with the Christmas festivities coming in close around the corner I wouldn’t blame you! With the anticipation of gifts and roast dinners, winter is also an excuse to order Starbuck’s ...
READ MORE +Flu season is fully-fledged and now around us and as bitter nights lie opposite cold days, many people it seems are falling sick about us. Winter weather means your immune system, usually responsible for warding off nasty viruses, often takes a knock causing viruses to spread much that more easily ...