Nearly half of all people snore, so if you don’t, there is a good chance that your partner does. Snoring happens when air flows through your throat as you breathe while sleeping. Tissue at the back of the nose and throat is relaxed while you sleep, and it vibrates, causing the sound. You or your partner’s sleep may be disturbed by snoring. Even if it doesn’t bother either of you too much, it shouldn’t be ignored as it can be a sign of a number of underlying health issues. These can include an issue with the structure of the airways in your nose or throat, sleep deprivation, obesity, and sleep apnea. It can also be caused by sleeping on your back. Read on for Snoring: 5 Tips to Help You Handle it and Get a Better Night’s Sleep!
1. If You Are Overweight, Aim to Lose Some Weight
Losing excess weight may help reduce the amount of tissue in your throat that is causing the sound. By taking control of your weight with a calorie-controlled diet and exercise, you and your partner may enjoy better sleep as an added bonus. If you are having trouble losing weight, consider seeing your doctor or a nutritionist to find the right combination of diet and exercise for you.
2. Try Sleeping on Your Side
Many people snore because they sleep on their backs. By changing their sleeping position, they may stop snoring entirely.
You can use pillows to help you stop sleeping on your back. Place a pillow behind you as a prop to stop you from turning over while you are asleep. Bend your knees also, making it less likely for you to roll over. Elevating the head of the bed by four inches or so is also an effective way to reduce snoring by helping to keep your airways open.
3. Try Using Mouth Strips to Stop Snoring
Stick-on oral strips are a simple and effective way to stop open-mouthed sleeping fast. These small strips gently keep your mouth closed, reducing open-mouthed breathing while you sleep and stop the relaxed tissue in your throat becoming agitated by your breathing cycle. These work incredibly effectively and can stop people snoring on the very first night they use them.
4. Get Some New Pillows or Clean Your Older Ones
If your pillows are old or unclean, they may be preventing you from breathing properly while you sleep.
Older pillows probably won’t give you the support you need and will make you more likely to breathe through your mouth while you sleep. If the pillows are dirty, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to dust mites or even pollen that causes inflammation in your airways, restricting airflow. Try cleaning your pillows or buying new ones.
5. Make Sure You are Hydrated at Night
Sleeping when dehydrated can often cause snoring. Your nose can become dry and blocked, forcing you to breathe through your mouth and start to snore.
Try to drink plenty of fluids in the evening and take some water to bed with you so you can drink it in the night if you wake up thirsty.