Japan, a country renowned for its technological advancements and cultural richness, grapples with an ever-growing challenge: insomnia. As the demands of modern life escalate, so do sleepless nights for many Japanese citizens. Studies reveal that Japan has the highest prevalence of insomnia ...
READ MORE +We frequently neglect our sleep in our daily juggling of commitments and diversions. Many of us don't get the sleep we actually need, whether it's from staying up late to meet deadlines, binge-watching the newest TV show, or losing track of time on social media. But sleep is much more than just a ...
READ MORE +Sleep deprivation is one of life’s cruellest things, not only can it cause traffic accidents and slow cognition, but chronic sleep deprivation can also lead to long term physiological problems eg. high blood pressure. Overall sleep deprivation has effects short term and long term, it makes people ...
READ MORE +Nearly half of all people snore, so if you don’t, there is a good chance that your partner does. Snoring happens when air flows through your throat as you breathe while sleeping. Tissue at the back of the nose and throat is relaxed while you sleep, and it vibrates, causing the sound. You or your ...
READ MORE +Getting a decent night's sleep should be the norm for most young people. But, as you age, this definitely can become a long lost memory with many seniors suffering from sleep deprivation. One of the causes of this can lie in the lack of a proper or suitable mattress; this results in disrupted sleep ...