It’s true that proper nourishment is the key to good skin, especially in the depths of winter as cold air tends to strip away essential moisture and nutrients. Dry skin can make you look dull and old so it is absolutely essential to provide your skin hydration so that it looks healthy. But it’s not just people with dry skin who need to do this, even people with normal, combination or oily skin types must also moisturise. The sun’s UV rays, along with seasonal changes in weather can cause varying degrees of damage to the skin, making it very dry, for example. This dryness could further lead to itching, dry patches, and give rise to many other skin complaints. If you want your skin to clear and stay largely trouble-free, read on for these 5 Top Natural Skin Moisturisers!
1. Honey
Raw, organic honey is naturally anti-bacterial, so it’s an effective acne treatment, helps unclog pores and is a great cleanser. It’s also full of antioxidants, making it a potent fighter of wrinkles, aging skin, irritation and blemishes, all while leaving a lovely afterglow.
2. Shea butter
Shea butter is a rich source of vitamins A and F, both of which help to alleviate dry skin and keep it looking young. Produced from the nuts found inside the fruit of the Shea tree, it’s a totally natural moisturiser and acts as barrier to harmful effects of the elements. Make sure your shea butter has not ‘expired’, it loses all its fantastic moisturizing properties if it is, then go ahead and slather it all over your skin.
3. Cucumber
Cucumbers are an excellent source of water for your body, both inside and out. Packed with nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and E, cucumbers promote blood circulation and healing, both of which benefit skin, bones and nails. It also helps to reduce wrinkles, promotes a glowing complexion and can treat puffiness around the eyes because of their high water content. Use cucumber juice with lemon drops for best results leaving your skin smooth and moisturised.
4. Aloe vera
Aloe is widely used in many skin care products because it helps moisturise your skin without leaving it greasy. Nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamins C and E keep skin plump. Carefully cut and peel an aloe vera leaf to expose the gel inside, then apply to skin.
5. Milk or buttermilk
Dry and dull skin can really make you look haggard, but the solution is in your fridge! For this one, get some cold milk or buttermilk and apply it generously on the affected area and keep it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Do this twice a week before taking a shower. Both milk and buttermilk are effective ways to hydrate all skin types. They are quickly absorbed into the skin pores. Additionally, they can help in keeping wrinkles at bay as well. Caution: If you are allergic to milk or other dairy products, do not use this remedy.
Say goodbye to dull, dry, and unhealthy skin with these remedies and tips. Including them in your skin care routine is key to soft, glowing skin. It’s never too late to start and now that you know how to moisturise skin naturally and economially at home, waste no time and give these methods a try. Do a patch test if needed to test suitability. What are your natural skin care home remedies? Stay beautiful and tell others how they can do the same below or @ KeepFitKingdom !