Top 5 Health Benefits of Galia Melon!

See that weighty sphere of yellow fruit perched on the shelves -do you often walk past it when you do your weekly shop? If the answer is yes, then halt your trolley! Galia melons (see our previous article on watermelon) are full of so many nurturing goodies and go great with trifles, smoothies and (believe it or not) soup. Read on to discover the Top 5 Health Benefits of Galia Melon!

1. High in Vitamin C
Melons are high in Vitamin C, which is a vital component of our diet. Not only does it help keep the immune system healthy, but it also helps keep skin looking youthful, aids in wound healing and maintains cartilage health. It also helps with releasing energy from food, ensuring you can run those extra miles when you hit the gym!

2. High in Vitamin A
Vitamin A has many roles in our body, from keeping our nervous system healthy to making sure our skin glows healthily. Some skincare products tend to add Vitamin A as one of their active ingredients as that helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 100g of Galia melon contains about 112% of our daily recommended intake of Vitamin A so adding a few chunks into your workout smoothie is ideal way to get your dose!

3. Potassium
Just like bananas, Galia melons are high in potassium, with one wedge containing about 1.9g. Potassium is important in regulating muscle contractions, heart function and the digestive system. We should ingest about 5g of potassium a day, so adding a few wedges into your fruit salad will help you achieve your daily target.

4. Weight loss
Like most fruits, melons are fantastic for aiding weight loss. Galia melons are fat and cholesterol free and have a low sodium content. Because melons have a high water and fibre content, they will make you feel fuller for longer and the water content will not only help keep you hydrated, but also make the absorption of vitamins and minerals easier within the digestive system.

5. Combats hair loss
They can help reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. The reason behind this is because of its high Vitamin A content (as mentioned above) which supports the growth of healthy hair and nails, as a deficiency can lead to brittle hair and hair loss.

Galia melons can be widely bought in all manner of markets indoor and outdoor. If you’re new to trying out this delicious fruit, why not watch the video above on how to open, eat and get acquainted with how good it is for you? Fan of melons…how do you like them?  Tell us below or @ KeepfitKingdom ! 

Francesca Gregori

Franki is a nutrition student currently undergoing her second year at Bournemouth University. Originally from London, she has a passion for anything health, food and well-being related; she enjoys reading, baking and experimenting with different recipes. In addition to trying out new exercises and workouts in the gym, she loves to read up on recent topics in the nutrition field and walks along the coastline.

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