While the world is diverse, there’s one thing more than one billion of us have in common: a vitamin D deficiency. This health disorder is shared by 35% of adults in the United States alone, and most of us don’t realize we have it. But a vitamin D deficiency can lead to severe problems, including a ...
READ MORE +Our hair is always subject to pollution, dust, and stress! Note that your general health is reflected in the health of your hair, so it's essential to realize that illnesses that impact the body can also affect the growth of your hair. In the attempt to save and manage the hair, an unexpected fact ...
READ MORE +See that weighty sphere of yellow fruit perched on the shelves -do you often walk past it when you do your weekly shop? If the answer is yes, then halt your trolley! Galia melons (see our previous article on watermelon) are full of so many nurturing goodies and go great with trifles, smoothies and ...
READ MORE +Our sweet but prickly pal the pineapple, a tropical plant and member of the Bromeliaceae family, is native to Paraguay, Brazil and potentially regions of the Caribbean. It was first brought to Europe subsequent to Columbus’ return in 1493. The name 'pineapple' matured in the 17th century thanks to ...