Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant, which are sativa dominant strains. These seeds are actually from the same species of plant as cannabis (marijuana), however, hemp seeds contain only small amounts of THC, (Tetrahydrocannabinols) which is the compound found in high quantities in marijuana that cause the drug-like and ‘high’ effects. There are some exceptional health benefits that you can derive from hemp seeds that you may not know about so continue on for our Top 5 Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds!
1. Skin health
Hemp has a unique fatty-acid profile that includes omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which are called “essential” because the body can’t make them, and you must get them from foods. Fatty acids fight inflammation and protect your immune system. Hemp seeds are also a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Studies have shown that giving hemp seed oil to people with eczema may improve essential fatty acid blood levels to relieve dry skin, and reduce itchiness.
2. Heart health
Hemp is a great source of protein. Plant protein helps you feel full and is great for your muscles, bones, metabolism, and overall health, as it contains amino acids that the body doesn’t produce. Plant protein consumption is also linked to a lower risk of heart disease, due to its lower fat content and higher fibre. Some of the key ingredients in building a healthy heart include; fibre, plant-based protein, healthy fats and less sugar, and hemp seeds check all these boxes. Additionally, the digestibility and uptake of hemp protein is better than protein from many grains, nuts and legumes.
3. Lowers risk of diabetes
Hemp seeds are also very high in fibre, which lowers your risk of diabetes and diabetic-related issues.This is due to its fibre content which keeps you fuller for longer and contributes to an overall healthier diet, you’ll tend to snack less and experience fewer daily sugar spikes.
4. Strengthens immune system
Hemp seeds contain good amounts of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system, as well as helping prevent chronic disease.
5. Weight loss
Hemp is known as a natural appetite suppressant as, since it keeps you feeling satiated tends to reduce sugar cravings. Some experts recommend that adding four tablespoons of the seeds to your breakfast will help curb hunger throughout the day.
Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein and various vitamins and minerals. Hemp seeds can be consumed raw, cooked or roasted and hemp seed oil is also highly beneficial. In addition, they are also versatile and you can safely incorporate a couple of tablespoons into your daily diet; add them to smoothies and shakes in the morning, to cereals, porridge, breads, soups, as a salad topper for lunches or meals, add them to stir-fries for dinner, substitute for nuts when baking, or as a healthy snack alone. They are widely available at most health-food stores and can be ordered online. Let us know what experiences you’ve had with hemp seeds and of course feel free to share your recipes @keepfitkingdom!