Alkaline Diet: Is it Worth You Trying It?

What piques your curiosity around a diet? When a group of your friends gloat about a new diet they are trying and are receiving amazing results, a diet you are not familiar with? The same occurred recently and I just have to ask you, have you heard of the alkaline diet? Does it make a difference ...

The WFPB Diet: What You Need to Know

Vegetarianism, Veganism, Paleo, Gluten and Lactose; there are a plethora of diet cultures out there. They each have their cult followings and dedicated advocates claiming that theirs is 'The One'. Now however, there is a group diet emerging. It’s called the Whole Foods Plant Based diet (WFPB). It’s ...

Top 5 Foods To Eat As You Age!

As we age, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases meaning that we should generally need fewer calories as we get older according to the British Diabetic Association. The amount of fat, carbohydrates and fibre we consume should follow the following recommendations; Fat: 50g, saturated fat: 20g, ...

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