The first thing that comes to mind when some people hear about a whole-food plant-based diet (WFPD) is that it's vegetarian or vegan, but this is not always the case. A registered dietitian, Jillian Kubala, wrote on Healthline that WFPD is more of a lifestyle. She said a plant-based diet depends ...
READ MORE +Ahh...I am currently traveling to meet up with my family in Italy! Pasta, wine, old cathedrals, and winding cobblestone roads are calling my name. Having studied abroad in Rome one summer, I realized one thing quite quickly — Italians living 'La Dolce Vita', (the sweet life) appear to be rather ...
READ MORE +With the arrival of summer, you usually want more fresh, light and tasty dishes, such as salads. These dishes are usually very simple to make, and they are also very versatile and colourful! Almost any ingredient can be good to go into a salad; sprouts, lettuce, tomato, pasta, rice, legumes, tuna, ...
READ MORE +Switching to a vegan diet can, of course, be great for your health. It gives you the chance to get more of your nutrients from plant-based options like whole-grains, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, fruits and vegetables which are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibre. However, going vegan may also ...
READ MORE +Protein is an essential nutrient for bone density, muscle, and skin health, it is a crucial component in every diet. If you're following a plant-based diet, then beans and legumes are an excellent choice for you to get your protein in. There are a lot of beans and legumes out there, but which ones ...
READ MORE +What piques your curiosity around a diet? When a group of your friends gloat about a new diet they are trying and are receiving amazing results, a diet you are not familiar with? The same occurred recently and I just have to ask you, have you heard of the alkaline diet? Does it make a difference ...
READ MORE +Vegetarianism, Veganism, Paleo, Gluten and Lactose; there are a plethora of diet cultures out there. They each have their cult followings and dedicated advocates claiming that theirs is 'The One'. Now however, there is a group diet emerging. It’s called the Whole Foods Plant Based diet (WFPB). It’s ...
READ MORE +We’ve all been there, exchanging coins for a small breakfast bar and a fizzy drink. Enviously, and slightly resentfully ogling the vibrant salads and sandwiches of the people around us. How do they find the time every morning? The key is planning. This article will tell you about the key components ...
READ MORE +Beans or the legume family comprise of beans, peas and lentils, which are considered to be some of the most versatile and nutritious foods available. They are typically low in fat, and high in minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium. They are also a rich source of fibre and help to increase ...
READ MORE +As we age, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases meaning that we should generally need fewer calories as we get older according to the British Diabetic Association. The amount of fat, carbohydrates and fibre we consume should follow the following recommendations; Fat: 50g, saturated fat: 20g, ...