7 Ways to Overcome Gym Anxiety as a Woman

On my first visit to the gym, I entered with the vision of tentatively trying my first few sets of barbell squats. It was 7pm, the weights area had been left dishevelled by powerlifters, and the squat racks were crowded with men. The room was hot and sweaty. Too anxious to step foot into the ...

My Fitness Journey So Far: Overcoming Shyness

Your first few steps into becoming healthier isn’t usually easy by any means. It requires hard work and dedication but the results are limitless. When you first step into a gym you might feel awkward to the point where overcoming shyness becomes a real need; the first things you might hear is the ...

Trail Running: Why you should try it!

Trail runs are awesome. They're like the video game “Temple Run” in real life! Except, you aren’t being chased by monkeys, and you’re not exploring ancient ruins (most of the time). But the point is that trail running is an awesome adventure. It takes agility, endurance, speed and so much more that ...

Kratom Powder for Fitness & Bodybuilding

With the increasing interest in kratom as a potent health and fitness supplement we thought it time to revisit the subject. There are quite a few strains out there that you can try if you're doing vigorous weight training or bodybuilding. But, what is the best kratom powder dosage for your fitness ...

German Volume Training: Why you should use it!

Do you want to get your 'summer body' primed for beach season and gain muscle pretty quickly? If so, I would highly recommend that you try German Volume Training (GVT)! It has been shown to be one of the fastest ways to pack on muscle in a short amount of time, and is great for both bulking and ...

World’s Strongest Men – Brian Shaw

Brian Shaw is the fifth man and the first American so far to feature in Keep Fit Kingdom’s World’s Strongest Men series. Standing at 6’8” with a 60 inch chest and weighing over 400lbs, he’s one of the biggest and strongest ever competitors in the history of strength. Let’s take a look at his ...

Keep Fit Kingdom