What the heck is Veganuary? Veganuary is a trial month of the vegan diet. You can go to their website to set up your 'Veganuary month' and it’s completely ...
So, I spent a Saturday crawling, climbing (and crying) through mud as promised. But how did it go? First let me break down the experience to tell you what ...
So, on the 17th of August, I’ll be running, crawling, climbing (and crying) through heaps of mud. Now, why on earth would I do that? I’m going up against ...
Trail runs are awesome. They're like the video game “Temple Run” in real life! Except, you aren’t being chased by monkeys, and you’re not exploring ancient ...
Working 9-5 is a gruelling, character-building test of endurance. However, you don’t get the abs to show for it, which sucks. After sitting at a desk for 7 ...
You’ve seen it all. People changing by dropping half their body weight in a matter of months. People being declared free of health problems when they've been ...
Ah, that good old British weather: the ultimate end to your productive streak. You can’t go for a run in the local park now and this is the fourth time this ...
Running is a rewarding, enjoyable and impressive sport that anyone can do. But the sad thing is that not everyone realises that there is more to running than ...
I’ll say this once for you and louder again for the people in the back: healthy living is NOT a quick fix. Actually, 'quick' is probably not healthy. Weight ...