Self-Isolation: 4 Keys to Strengthen Your Immune System

The past few months have created a global panic like we’ve never seen before. The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is the main cause of all that. With most, if not all, places around the world, under a lockdown and social mingling a big no-no, it’s so easy for anyone to just sit at home and become inactive very easily. Inactivity however, can lead to an impaired immune system making you susceptible to diseases. Research has discovered that the stronger your immune system, the higher your resistance to infectious diseases and your ability to recover from them becomes. It not only pertains to coronavirus but other communicable diseases as well as illness. Read on for Self-Isolation: 4 Keys to Strengthen Your Immune System!

Here are some ways in which everyone, from children to adults, can stay fit, healthy and boost their immune systems.

1. Exercise for a Stronger Immune System

Now that the gyms are closed and you may be restricted to go for your daily run, walk or cycle, it becomes so easy to stay at home and remain inactive. You don’t have to lift heavy stuff to replicate what you do in the weight room or walk around for hours just to clock up those 10,000 daily steps. That would seem ridiculous and boring.

Try something simple like dancing, yoga, gardening, stair climbing, or jumping jacks for at least 30 minutes daily. All these incorporate the majority of your muscle groups and enhance your cardiovascular capacity simultaneously. They are fun and far better than being idle.

2. Nutrition

Staying home all day long with home-cooked goodies is not that rare anymore, it’s easy to eat nutritious feasts. Now that you have a lot of time on your hands, why not prepare and eat healthy meals while controlling your portion size?

Eating nutrition-rich foods will keep you healthy, physically and mentally, by helping you maintain your body weight as well as your blood pressure.

3. Water

Now, water has become an important topic during this pandemic. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended washing your hands properly and using sanitisers often.

Apart from that, you need to drink lots of water, at least 3-4 litres a day. Water helps to flush toxins from your body and helps in the prevention of illness, flu and fights viruses. You can add a squeeze of lemon. This not only provides you with a good dose of Vitamin C, it also helps the detoxification process.

4. Sleep

The American National Sleep Foundation recommends at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. If you get that during the night, great. Even if you don’t sleep continuously for that long, you can make it up with short, regular naps.

Lack of sleep results in the body going into stress mode. It increases stress hormones which can increase your blood pressure, which taken to extremes, can lead to heart attacks. That’s how Cristiano Ronaldo makes up his recommended sleep hours every day, by getting 90-120 minutes of sleep 5-6 times daily. If it works for CR, it can work for you too!

How is your health during the COVID-19 lockdown? What things do you practice to keep your vigour and spirits up? Let us know in the comments below, and join in the conversation on FacebookTwitter & InstagramIn the meantime, invest in your self care; keep calm, and spread positive vibes among your family and friends where possible. You can still KEEP YOUR Fit ON!

Jenson Rajkumar

A Youth Football coach, Jenson played football untill University. He's also a qualified PE and sports coach, coaching fitness and sports in Primary Schools. Overall, he's a lifelong sports and fitness fanatic, as well a fitness blogger.

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