Elderberry, a flowering plant of the Adoxaceae family (from the European elder tree), consists of dark, purple tart berries which must be cooked before eating. It also has small, white flowers that can be eaten raw or cooked. The plant has been used throughout history for many medicinal purposes, including helping combat influenza and building up a resilient immune system. Curious? Read on for these Top 5 Health Benefits of Elderberry!
1. Packed Full of Nutrients
Elderberries are packed with Vitamins A and C, two essential organic compounds to help maintain a healthy body. Vitamin A aids the body’s natural defence against infection, whilst Vitamin C, an ascorbic acid, ensures healthy cells, bones, skin and blood vessels. The high level of flavonoids present in the berries can also reduce joint and muscular pain with their anti-inflammatory properties, whilst its antioxidants prevent long-term disease.
2. Excellent Source of Fibre
Elderberries are a great source of fibre, supporting healthy bowel movement and control of blood sugar levels in the body. The high fibre content can help reduce constipation and optimise digestive health.
3. Immune System-Boosting Properties
Elderberries have long been used to fight off infection and illnesses with their high nutritional compounds. They have been found to reduce flu-like symptoms whilst increasing the immune system efficiency. They are often used in supplement form of lozenges, capsules and syrups.
4. Potent Remedy for Skin Problems
With their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as mentioned above, elderberries are also great for the skin. They are used in many skin products to reduce acne, swelling and soreness, due to their antiseptic benefits. They are also thought to be a good preventative measure for wrinkles!
5. Combats Stress
High levels of vitamins and those antioxidant heroes make, elderberries great for reducing stress and maintaining a healthy heart. They can also help keep cholesterol low whilst protecting the heart. They also make for a great evening tea, relaxing the nerves and inducing a pleasant sleepy state.