TED Talks are public-speaking presentations which bring different professionals to discuss a topic from their chosen field. TED Talks cover a wide range of topics from health, to business to science to education among very many others. Therefore, it shouldn't be too surprising that there are TED ...
READ MORE +We all have day jobs, or we are stay-at-home parents and we just don't have the time to focus on our health. Usually, we do not have the time because we have not made the time or have not realized how important it is to have good health. You must find the motivation to get into the gym and ...
READ MORE +Jen Lewis is a fitness instructor based in the United States, who has made it her mission to reach as many people as possible with her love for fitness. Jen’s YouTube channel: Cardio Party Mashup Fitness hosts a great variety of workouts, of all different lengths, including: week-long fitness ...
READ MORE +Often in life, the things that we most want to do are put on hold because of work. In the U.S., we usually get 2 weeks of vacation in a year, so the opportunity to travel and explore is even more special. Fortunately, the growing trend of remote working provides the opportunity to work from ...
READ MORE +Are people really turning to YouTube fitness channels? Yep! During the lockdowns here in the UK, all gyms and leisure centres have been closed for long periods of time. Many of us have turned to exercising at home, and fallen in love with it even as gyms reopen! This was definitely the case for me; ...
READ MORE +Many people prefer to do their workouts at the gym. Some people like the social aspect of it, while others like having a designated place for workouts outside of their homes. But, unfortunately, many gyms are quite expensive, and their memberships are not affordable for everyone. Luckily, there are ...
READ MORE +Cassey Ho, or better known as Blogilates, is an American YouTuber who is also a certified Pilates and Fitness Instructor. Her channel started in 2009 where she shares her workout routines and other health and lifestyle contents. When we talk about Blogilates, one can’t help but think of her bubbly ...
READ MORE +In our modern day society, achieving goals is our ideal of success. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing something off your to-do list, but sometimes the road to even starting a task can feel overwhelming. The reason for this is because, as humans, we are afraid of failure or ...
READ MORE +Supermarket shelves are stocked with many different types of bread, some are healthier than others yet they all provide different benefits. Some are made from whole grains, whilst others are made from refined grains which don’t offer too much in the nutritional value department. However, if you're ...
READ MORE +We know that squats are the 'king' of all booty-growing, and shaping exercises. In this review I'll tell you how you can maximise the size of your glutes as well as their strength and function. Now, if you follow a lot of fitness profiles or influencers on Instagram, you may have come across the ...