German Volume Training: Why you should use it!

Do you want to get your 'summer body' primed for beach season and gain muscle pretty quickly? If so, I would highly recommend that you try German Volume Training (GVT)! It has been shown to be one of the fastest ways to pack on muscle in a short amount of time, and is great for both bulking and ...

3 Awesome Superhero Physique Workouts!

In this article we're going to base workouts off of a few of Marvel's most popular superheroes. Each workout will take less than an hour to fully complete, and will incorporate functional calisthenic training as well as compound lifts. Functional training and compound lifts both allow individual ...

Top 5 Gym Exercises for Rugby!

To enhance your performance on a rugby pitch isn’t only achieved on the training paddock, work can be done in the gym to better the way you operate, play and perform. The following exercises don't solely focus on building size and mass, but concentrate on the functionality of your body, performing ...

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