When we talk about the weight loss process, our minds quickly jump to pictures of struggles with sit ups, panting, heavy breathing and gasping for air along with a complete change of our eating and sleeping habits. But does it have to be only about those things? If your answer to that is YES, ...
READ MORE +Today I’ll be giving you five cardio training options and explain how they will benefit you. Getting your cardio in helps you to perform exercises with correct technique for more reps or for a longer period of time. It also keeps your heart healthy, helping it stay efficient which is why regular ...
READ MORE +Why do you exercise? Some of the most common answers are “I want to get healthier”, “I want move more outside of my sedentary job”, but most would say: “I do it because I want to lose weight.” Now, while that is a perfectly valid reason, it is an inherently wrong motivation for exercise. Training ...
READ MORE +Your core is a lot more important than you probably give it credit for, yet it's abs-olutely (sorry, couldn't resist that) key in virtually every movement your physical body performs. It helps give you a solid posture, so you can for example, handle increasing amounts of weight in the gym, it helps ...
READ MORE +We all know the phrase “no pain, no gain”, but sometimes it feels like it would ring just as true if the phrase were “no pay, no gain”. While it’s often the case that the cost of common exercise options such as pay-monthly gym memberships or visits to a pay-as-you-go local pool can burn a rather ...
READ MORE +So, on the 17th of August, I’ll be running, crawling, climbing (and crying) through heaps of mud. Now, why on earth would I do that? I’m going up against hundreds of people through 7k of obstacles and dirt just for the experience really. Whilst it's all a bit of fun, I can’t just slack on training ...
READ MORE +Trail runs are awesome. They're like the video game “Temple Run” in real life! Except, you aren’t being chased by monkeys, and you’re not exploring ancient ruins (most of the time). But the point is that trail running is an awesome adventure. It takes agility, endurance, speed and so much more that ...
READ MORE +To get leaner, faster, you have to burn as much body fat as you can. The more you get used to reducing your body into a puddle of sweat, the better your results will be. Putting in the hours for exercising or aerobic conditioning whether in the gym or outside of it is never a waste of time. Just ...
READ MORE +Running is a rewarding, enjoyable and impressive sport that anyone can do. But the sad thing is that not everyone realises that there is more to running than just running. That is, until there’s an injury or tons of money has been wasted on the most expensive running equipment out there. But look ...
READ MORE +I’ll say this once for you and louder again for the people in the back: healthy living is NOT a quick fix. Actually, 'quick' is probably not healthy. Weight isn’t the pinnacle of health either. Healthy living is simply about finding a routine that you can stick to for, well…life. Fad dieting to get ...