In today's world, we often hear the phrase "health is wealth." And with the increasing demand for wellness products, knowing what to look for when shopping is important. Not all products are created equal, which is why it's crucial to seek high-quality options. How do we determine which products ...
READ MORE +Vegetarianism, Veganism, Paleo, Gluten and Lactose; there are a plethora of diet cultures out there. They each have their cult followings and dedicated advocates claiming that theirs is 'The One'. Now however, there is a group diet emerging. It’s called the Whole Foods Plant Based diet (WFPB). It’s ...
READ MORE +Takeaway pizzas, with their high saturated fat, salt and calorie content, have scared fitness enthusiasts away from the lightly-floured, decadent and doughy plains of the pizza. But, there’s no reason why people pursuing a nutritious diet should shy away from the ultimate comfort food. Want to have ...
READ MORE +Did you know that spirulina is among the world’s most popular supplements and loaded with nutrients and antioxidants beneficial to both your body and brain? Nutritionists also claim that the quality of the protein it has is comparable to eggs. Spirulina actually provides you with all the essential ...
READ MORE +I had the recent honour of trying out GIMBER - a new product on the market made partly to challenge that old-dinosaur culture of heavy alcohol-drinking by offering this alcohol-free, organic drink concentrate instead. It promises a unique taste experience and a spicy kick, but can it possibly ...
READ MORE +We all know that balanced nutrition is the way forward when aiming to optimize your energy levels, boosting performance and achieving your goals, so when we create our ‘perfect meal’ (specific to each person based on their needs), not only should it be bursting with flavour and nutrients but also ...
READ MORE +To preserve one’s health and wellbeing, balance is important across all areas of life – including nutrition. When creating a meal for both enjoyment and energy, the majority of us appreciate a healthy combination of carbohydrates, protein, essential fats and of course ‘veggies'. For some, pasta is ...
READ MORE +As summer begins to approach and the strong rays of the sun start to pierce through the ecru coloured clouds and clear blue sky, the body temperature increases gradually and the mouth of each person commences drying by the day due to the new warmth of the weather. One of the outcomes is an ...
READ MORE +Soya and soya products tend to receive a bad rap in the media. Health claims about soya are sometimes over inflated more than necessary and don't paint the full picture. Let’s look at five of the most commonly discussed now in Top 5 Soya Health Claims! 1. Soya is a source of complete protein ...
READ MORE +The Italian chocolatiers Vanini have brought out their new range of unique chocolates, with flavours including rosemary, pear and cinnamon, and lemon and pink pepper. A stand out ethically focussed company, Vanini place emphasis on transparency and corporate social responsibility in addition to ...