5 Top Physique Hacks for Uni Students!

University life opens new and exciting opportunities for young adults. However amidst all of the inevitable late nights, midnight binges and takeaways, students may quickly find themselves gaining unwanted weight. This is a nightmare for those who have aspirations to build an outstanding physique ...

OM Yoga Show Now On!

Interested in yoga? Are you in or passing through London? Then this is for you! The OM Yoga Show has built up an impressive following over more than a decade, becoming the biggest yoga gathering in Europe and one of the largest yoga events in the world! This year, the OM Yoga Show made its debut ...

5 Top Smith Machine Exercises!

In gyms all around the world the Smith machine (a barbell fixed between steel rails, for vertical or off-vertical plane only movements) is an undervalued and misunderstood piece of equipment, especially when compared to its more revered elder-sibling; the barbell. However with a few minor ...

Sonny Webster Lifts Solid At Rio!

The Rio Games came around fast and went just as quickly, but is far from forgotten! Weightlifter Sonny Webster recently represented Great Britain in the Olympics. He achieved a 333kg total in the 94kg class, a very respectable total for his first time competing in the Olympics. At only 22 years ...

5 Awesome Kettlebell Exercises!

In recent years kettlebells have become one of the most fashionable pieces of equipment in the fitness industry. If you choose to add any of these 5 Awesome Kettlebell Exercises to your current routine you'll certainly find an overall improvement in your conditioning, flexibility, power, strength ...

5 Top Fasting Aids!

Fasting has been quite a controversial subject over the past few years but it seems more and more people are recognising the positive effects it can have on the body. We live in a world that is constantly eating and so our guts are having to work harder than ever. In 5 Top Fasting Aids, we look at ...

5 Top Uses for Coconut Oil!

Wondering what all the fuss over coconut oil is about? Health gurus have advocated it as a multi-use product with excellent health benefits and it appears that they’re right. Here at Keep Fit Kingdom, we’ve narrowed down our 5 Top Uses for Coconut Oil so you'll find out why it's a fantastic ...

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