Title: The Healthy Life: A complete plan for glowing skin, a healthy gut, weight loss, better sleep and less stress
Author: Jessica Sepel
Year: 2016
Publisher: Bluebird
Synopsis: Nutritionist and health blogger Jessica Sepel started writing her tips for a healthy life on her website and has now put all of it into one comprehensive book, “The Healthy Life”.
With over 120 recipes and pages full of guidance on how to de-stress your life, Jessica’s aim is to give you the tools you need to become the healthiest and happiest version of you.
Review: It might have a very long name but that’s simply because this book is jam-packed full of information, true to its title. It strikes me straight away as a book that stands out from the other health books on the market right now, because it has no limits.
Most books out there focus either on food, nutrition or fitness but this book pulls all three together and then some. As soon as you turn the first page you are drawn into Jessica’s life story because it’s vital to the book. Without the stress she went through when it came to food and changing her body as a teenager, this book wouldn’t be in my hands.
Jessica is keen for you to understand that the life she has now wasn’t given to her on a plate (excuse the food related pun), she was once a girl who used to be petrified of calories, weighing herself every day, logging everything she ate and spending hours in the gym torturing her body. She wasn’t healthy and she wasn’t happy. She came to realise that what she was doing was destructive so she started studying nutrition and learned how to heal her own body. Now she wants to help you heal yours because she understands what it’s like to have a bad relationship with food and your body.
The first half of the book is practically a bible on how to detox your life and become a happier person. It will appeal to the majority of people around the world, should they choose to pick this up because most people suffer from stress related issues like lack of sleep, overeating, bloating, gut problems, skin problems, the list goes on. The funny thing is a lot of us don’t realise that these are even problems!
Until I started reading this book I didn’t really consider that I wasn’t being a mindful eater or that I was harming my liver by drinking too much coffee. The best thing about this section of the book is it goes into so much depth. She not only lists all of the problems our bodies tend to cope with on a daily basis but she explains in detail how to get rid of them, by being healthy. Jessica even goes so far as to list foods and drinks you should cut out, or start consuming in order to reap the rewards. It really is like a health and beauty bible.
The second half is where the fun starts -that’s where we start to get things cooking! There’s a huge range of unique recipes, from Raspberry and Coconut Sweet Loaf to Broccoli Rice. Whether you’re looking for breakfast, a side dish, a sweet treat or a drink, there’s a gorgeous recipe waiting for you in these pages. There are a few ingredients that you might not be familiar with and you might need to look around a bit if you’re in the UK or overseas, bear in mind, Jessica first launched this book in her home country, Australia.
Do you know what slippery elm is or psyllium husk? My concern is that ingredients like this might put you the reader, off a tad. If you can look past that then this book will no doubt give you lots of other simple ingredients and switches you can make on a daily basis to feel refreshed and happy.
With thanks to her family, friends and team the closing of this book makes you feel like you’ve well and truly been on a healthy life journey. You can feel the warm, personal support of Jessica as well as all the other healthy life followers around the world. You feel an empowering sense of motivation and of being equipped and prepared to change your life.
Summary: With comprehensive plans on how to detox your body; from how to achieve clearer skin, balance your hormones and heal your gut, this book could be considered something of a health-bible. Worksheets are provided throughout the book so that you can answer the lifestyle questions and track your progress on your journey to a healthier happier you. A huge range of recipes complement the detox plans admirably and apart from a few ingredients that are annoyingly unfamiliar, this book is stacked with guidance and tips on how to help you de-stress and live life to the full.
Book Rating: 10/10
Favourite quotes:
- “Today, I can see that I chased love, happiness and approval in all of the wrong places. I used food to reward and punish myself.”
- “Whenever I crave something sweet, I either make myself a delicious and wholesome alternative (like bliss balls), or do something else that makes me happy, such as reading a magazine, chatting to my bestie or having a bath.”
- “I move my body because I love it, not because I hate it.”
Feel free to find out more about Jessica via her website, Facebook and Twitter pages.