weight loss
Heart Disease: 5 Ways Exercise Can Prevent It!

In the UK around 7.6 million people are afflicted with heart and circulatory diseases, with 450 people dying every day as a consequence of these diseases. Therefore, it is really important to do as much as we can to fight this and prevent countless of preventable deaths while at the same time ...

Weight Loss: 3 Tips to Help You Get Started

Year after year, losing weight is among the top New Year’s resolutions, but while so many people mark it at the top of their to-do list, few actually make it a priority — and you can’t blame them! Getting back on track with your health is a tough mountain to climb, especially if you’re coming back ...

Diet: Why You Can’t Stick to it

Do you ever plan to eat healthy and follow a strict diet plan, but then seem to crumble at the sight of a dessert and wine menu? We tend to hold our own willpower accountable if a diet becomes too challenging to stick to, when in fact, it’s only our body trying to survive. I’ve been there - and so ...

On Your Bike! Top 6 Benefits of Cycling

Cycling brings with it an array of benefits and although the cost of a bike can vary from the very basic budget bikes, (around £80-£120) to more specialist bikes (around the £400-£1,000 mark and upwards), cycling, even with the most basic bike still brings wonderful health benefits. Now that ...

Grapefruit: Top 5 Health Benefits

Originating from Barbados, Grapefruit is a tropical, citrus hybrid-fruit known for its bitter-sweet to sour taste. It is a cross between the sweet orange and pomelo which were both introduced from Asia in the 17th century. Grapefruits contain a host of essential vitamins and minerals and are rich ...

The Myth of Spot Reduction

The word “Myth” means a misconception or a false idea. I’m pretty sure that, at one point or another, you must have heard the saying “keep doing a lot of ab exercises, crunches and sit-ups if you want visible six pack abs.” You know what? I also did and I fell for that idea. When I ballooned my ...

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