Top 5 Health Benefits of Black Pepper!

The often forgotten half of the classic salt and pepper pairing, black pepper has some impressive health benefits. Originating in India, a peppercorn is actually a dried fruit from the black pepper plant, and is sold either in peppercorn form or ground down into a powder. As the world’s most traded ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Hibiscus!

Hibiscus, or Hibiscus Sabdariffa, is a tropical flower belonging to the Malvaceae family. Botanists believe that there are eight original hibiscus species that can be considered ancestors of the hibiscus hybrids found today. These are said to be native to India, China, Mauritius, Hawaii, Fiji, and ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera!

Aloe Vera is one of the most popular plants being widely used for its remarkable medicinal properties and variety of health benefits. Being a plant species of the genus Aloe and from the lily family, the green cactus-like plant holds a sticky translucent gel that is used often in skin and beauty ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kiwi!

Did you know that the kiwifruit is also known as Chinese gooseberry? Native to China (widely found in New Zealand with golden ones available in Italy) and named after the small kiwi bird, the kiwifruit is an oval-shaped fuzzy fruit with a luminous green flesh speckled with black seeds that can ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato!

Sweet potatoes are readily available, inexpensive, tasty and very good for you. If you thought that chips can't be good for your cardiovascular system and blood pressure, well, the sweet potato variety is at your rescue  read on for our Top 5 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato! 1. Blood sugar ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Eggs!

Eggs are pretty much universally enjoyed by everyone across the globe to some extent and still are an all-time favourite food. Most include them in their daily diet because as well as being easy and convenient, they house so many benefits. Let's crack on (no pun intended) with these Top 5 Health ...

Top 5 Reasons Why Dates Make The Perfect Snack!

Dates are no new superfood, they have been around since biblical times and beyond and really make their biggest appearance in the Christmas season, perhaps they're Mother Nature's perfect candies? If sweet and gooey fits your snacking criteria then stay right here and read our Top 5 Reasons Why ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds!

We often get pumpkins at Halloween and carve scary faces into them and nine times out of ten, we discard the seeds -next time think again as there are many health and well-being advantages to eating them. Pumpkin seeds are high in essential fats and are a fantastic substitute for meat for those ...

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