Foam Rolling: 5 Simple & Effective Exercises

A foam roller is a compressed foam cylinder mostly used to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tightness and work through inflammation. Foam rolling is a self-applied exercise that reproduces a deep tissue massage. Using a foam roller before a workout increases flexibility, allowing you to get ...

How to Recover from Surgery Quickly

No matter what type of surgery you're planning to have, or need to undergo, many of us have work commitments and families to look after, meaning you will want to be back on your feet as quickly as possible. Once you have been discharged, it’s important that you get plenty of rest, but if you're ...

Kratom Powder for Fitness & Bodybuilding

With the increasing interest in kratom as a potent health and fitness supplement we thought it time to revisit the subject. There are quite a few strains out there that you can try if you're doing vigorous weight training or bodybuilding. But, what is the best kratom powder dosage for your fitness ...

Magnesium: Products by Better You

Magnesium supplementation has become increasingly popular amongst athletes and gym- goers over the last couple of years. As the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, magnesium plays a role in over 300 chemical reactions within you. Scientific research shows that it has a seemingly endless ...

Top 5 Foods to Fight Cold & Flu this Winter!

Every year in the UK, each adult will get between 2 and 4 colds. Although getting enough sleep and exercising can all help combat the common cold, it’s important to be eating the right foods, high in certain nutrients to help your immune system fight against the virus. Immunise yourself with our ...

Top 5 Benefits of Rest Days!

Overtraining is a common problem amongst athletes and recreational sports people. Exercising can be addictive, with many people putting more stress on their body than it can handle, in the hope of achieving their athletic goals; many people will recognise the signs of overtraining. The importance ...

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