Alkaline Diet: Is it Worth You Trying It?

What piques your curiosity around a diet? When a group of your friends gloat about a new diet they are trying and are receiving amazing results, a diet you are not familiar with? The same occurred recently and I just have to ask you, have you heard of the alkaline diet? Does it make a difference ...

Probiotics vs Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

Most of the readers here may be familiar with the words “probiotics” and “prebiotics” and are also aware of the health benefits towards the well-being of the gut. However, have we really understood exactly what they are and the differences between them? There are several blogs and articles on the ...

Vegetarian to Vegan: 5 Simple Steps!

The first steps into veganism can be the most daunting and challenging! A vegan diet can have many different advantages and has been said to help many conditions and illnesses. This is why more and more people today are making the transition. So have you had thoughts about changing to a vegan ...

10-Year Veggie: My story so far…

Eating a vegetarian diet isn’t nearly as uncommon as it once was with many people making the switch due to its association with improved health outcomes including lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Research has shown that vegetarians tend to consume a ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre!

Fibre is an important part of a healthy diet and one that is often overlooked. There are two categories of fibre: soluble and insoluble, and both are only found in plant foods. Soluble fibre blends with water and turns into a gel-like substance that can be digested by the body whereas insoluble ...

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