Our bodies are a complex system of muscles, organs and joints that work in perfect synergy which enable us to carry out daily activities as we navigate through each day. Over time, the ability to move freely that most of us take for granted can degrade, inhibiting our movements and potentially ...
READ MORE +Back pain can make the prospect of cycling or riding a road or mountain bike daunting. The best bikes for bad backs are cruiser bikes, hybrid cruiser bikes and tricycles. For the most versatility in terms of terrain, it is hard to surpass the features of a men’s or womens hybrid bike. Find out what ...
READ MORE +Resistance bands are an extremely versatile and practical piece of equipment that can be used for strength exercises and carried effortlessly on the go. They can easily be used by anyone; there are different kind of bands with varying levels of resistance, making it the perfect buddy for any level ...
READ MORE +Most staple leg exercises are pretty knee-heavy. Squats, lunges, deadlifts (and even going for a run) can aggravate existing knee injuries or introduce problems if performed incorrectly or without adequate rest between workouts. Whether you’re trying to avoid straining your knees whilst you recover ...
READ MORE +There are many, many, great benefits to running and especially during these challenging times. Many have taken to it as a means of stress relief and to get some vital exercise while we all eagerly wait for gyms to fully reopen. Not everyone reading this will have only just taken up running however, ...
READ MORE +Many people think you have to be flexible to do yoga. In fact, this is probably one of the most common reasons people don’t do it, but yoga can actually help stiffness tremendously. Regular yoga practice can improve joint flexibility and reduce tension. You don’t have to do handstands and you don’t ...
READ MORE +One of the most effective fat burning workouts, you will have seen them performed by military personnel, (it has been used by the US military since the early 1940's as a way to gauge fitness) participants of Spartan Races, bootcamps, fitness classes, crossfitters and many others. That’s right, ...
READ MORE +Getting a decent night's sleep should be the norm for most young people. But, as you age, this definitely can become a long lost memory with many seniors suffering from sleep deprivation. One of the causes of this can lie in the lack of a proper or suitable mattress; this results in disrupted sleep ...
READ MORE +The chin-up is an extremely challenging exercise which can bring impressive improvements quickly. It purposefully requires you to use a number of muscle groups, resulting in a powerful contraction of explosive energy to lift you above the bar. From strengthening your biceps to aiding flexibility ...
READ MORE +Developing the hamstrings should be a major part of any well-rounded training or health program. A combination of strength and flexibility training is ideal for improving this often neglected area of the body. There is a wide range of different exercises involving dynamic and static stretching but ...