So we’re already 21 days, or 3 weeks into 2017, so how is it going for you? As we all know, this is the time where we begin to see how feasible our excitedly made New Year’s resolutions and promises to ourselves to make this year the greatest, actually are! Many decide to start living healthier, exercising more regularly and being more productive. We also know that sadly, by the end of January the drive that set these goals into motion in the first place and the work toward them may easily begin to wane. So what can you do to maintain those promises that you have set for yourself? Here are some tips to help you succeed in New Year, New You!
1. Set realistic goals
The first step you need to ponder is why you are starting and what do you want to accomplish? This cornerstone will help you set your goals and keep you motivated when the going gets rough, and yes it will get rough, but you’ll get tougher! Creating and planning goals that are realistic however is essential. When unrealistic goals are set, they will discourage you often from the start and make you feel bad for the results you even have accomplished for fear that you won’t be able to match that level again. Realistic goals, since they’re easier to chunk down and follow step by step, allow you to reflect and gain confidence which in turn motivates and drives you forward onto the next step and the feeling of accomplishment you get is a high like no other!
Remember to divide your goals into small parts. This will help you stay focused and give you the needed persistence to tackle your next goal. The goals, or the number of them, doesn’t really matter, what’s important is that you take a step towards them keeping your mind set on your target!
2. Get a workout partner
In exercise and sports having a partner is always a great option. It will help you stick to your exercise schedule and also make your workout more enjoyable. Partnering up with someone who is at a similar level as you will help motivate and push you to do your best. This will benefit both of you to get the needed impetus at times when you really feel like you don’t want to go. Your partner will get you moving and vice versa -it’s a solid win-win!
3. Trick your mind
You can also trick your mind a bit or a lot! This is done by telling your goals and resolutions to as many friends as possible, or by making a deal with yourself that if you don’t reach your goals you’ll have to undergo a penalty of some kind. It could be anything like donating a certain sum to charity, cycling for a week to work instead of taking the car, or even doing something like going vegan or vegetarian for a month. This will get you all psyched-up to work harder and reach your goals.
4. Reward yourself
Finally, remember to reward yourself every time you reach a goal. It doesn’t matter how big or small the reward is, but it’s just important to stop, relax, think and enjoy your progress. Some share that success with others, some keep it quiet while they get ready for the bigger steps but whatever you do, be grateful and appreciate everything as much as you can, whether it’s a walk in the park, doing a good turn for friends or family, listening to music or simply drinking a cup of your favourite coffee (or tea, green of course!) taking a look back and seeing what you have already accomplished will inspire you to get creative as you begin to chew over your next goal.
Still without a New Year’s resolution? If yes, there’s still time to make one before January fades out… After you feel it take hold, rise, (do a 5 min tai-chi session if it’s cold where you are!) and start to work on some small change towards a healthier you and you’ll never look back! In the words of the King of Kung Fu himself, “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” – Bruce Lee