How to Stay Healthy Through Seasonal Changes

As the weather changes with seasonal shifts, our bodies and immune systems are often vulnerable to sickness and allergies. Learn how to stay healthy now.

Many people love the seasonal shifts from summer to fall to winter. Each new season brings its own unique beauty and fun possibilities. Unfortunately, these seasonal changes can also bring sickness and allergens that ruin the fun. If you’ve had problems with seasonal sicknesses and allergies in the past, we can help. Follow on to learn How to Stay Healthy Through Seasonal Changes!

Adjust Your Diet

Everyone has favorite foods that they eat year-round, but sometimes your body needs specific nutrition during specific seasons. While you don’t need to completely change your diet for each new season, you should pay attention to what you may need as the seasons change.

For example, many people spend less time outside in the fall and winter, potentially leading to a vitamin D deficiency. Prioritizing foods that are high in vitamin D during these seasons can help you stay healthy.

You can also add supplements like spirulina that can help boost your immune system through seasonal and weather changes. Taking supplements and vitamins can guarantee that your body is getting the nutrition you need no matter your diet or the season.

Keep Air and Surfaces Clean

Seasonal changes also affect our homes and as the weather gets colder, we’re going to spend more and more time inside. Taking the time to change your air filter and make other health-conscious home improvements is a great way to prevent common fall allergens and sicknesses. Your home will function better as temperatures continue to drop. You’ll feel more comfortable and breathe easier.

Since your air is going to be very clean with a new filter, make sure you also take the time to disinfect common areas of your home. Germs gather on communal surfaces, so wiping down kitchen counters with soap and water between meals and spraying disinfectant on living room pillows can help keep you and other household members healthy.

Exercise Regularly

Most people feel tempted to stay curled up and cozy during the colder months, but a sedentary lifestyle can have a negative effect on your health. Regular exercise helps us effectively manage our weight, keep our bones strong, keep our muscles working, and can reduce the risk of getting sick.

While you may not want to trek to the gym in cold weather, there are ways to make home workouts more effective so that you can stay healthy and comfortable. However you do it, try to get at least two hours of moderately intense exercise or one hour of vigorous aerobic exercise in a week.

Adjusting your diet, keeping your home clean, and exercising regularly are three of the best ways to stay healthy through seasonal changes. Staying healthy will allow you to enjoy all the fun opportunities that fall and winter have to offer!  How do you stay healthy in the colder months? Let us know in the comments below and on FacebookTwitter & Instagram

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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