Top 5 Pre-Workout Oat Recipes

The humble oat is the faithful servant of anyone pursuing any fitness goal. Oats’ nutritional composition makes them incredibly versatile. They’re naturally low in sugar; boast a decent 13g of protein per 100g and, their slow release of energy make them a satiating basis for any pre-workout meal. ...

5 Super-Delicious & Healthy Oat Recipes!

Forget the coronavirus lockdown, at least while you're indoors anyway! Try out some fortifying comforting recipes for the soul. Below are my 5 personal favourite cooking oat recipes. Some of them may surprise you, but they're all mouthwatering. Any type of oats can be used to make these recipes, ...

3 Delicious Chia Recipes

As a foodie and health nerd, you tend to fall in love with products that you can use for multiple things – like chia seeds for example. With chia seeds, the possibilities are endless. Not only are they useful for cooking, they also boast the most impressive CV at “The company of superfoods” with ...

5 Top Healthy & Delicious Popcorn Recipes!

For those of you who are looking for something tasty to just snack on throughout the day or if you're looking to unwind after a long day with a nice bowl of popcorn, have a crack at these 5 Top Healthy & Delicious Popcorn Recipes! The basis for making all of these recipes is to first pop the ...

5 Top Healthy Nice Cream Recipes!

As Buddha once said, “Health is the greatest gift”...Do your taste buds ever start tingling when your body 'calls you out' to have a nice, sweet, indulgent treat? Why not have a go at making these dairy, gluten-free (and guilt free) nutritionally-dense nice cream blends that are good for your body ...

Top 5 Healthy Porridge Recipes!

Winter is looming, this can only mean one thing; comfort food! Whilst comfort food tends to be associated with poor food choices, this doesn’t have to be the case. Porridge, for example, is filling, warming and highly nutritious. Not only that, it’s inexpensive, convenient and free from complicated ...

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