Vegan Recipes: 5 Easy-to-Make Dishes You’ll Love!

Most people believe that vegan recipes, meals or dishes, are always complicated, time consuming and costly. However, there are many recipes that are easy to follow and actually require little effort. They are also high in nutrition too. These five recipes are great staples for any vegan; whether you’ve been vegan all your life or you’re just starting out – read on for these Vegan Recipes: 5 Easy-to-Make Dishes You’ll Love!

1. Lentil Bolognese

Full of hearty, healthy ingredients, this recipe is great for any occasion. Bolognese is a staple for most households, so it’s good to have a vegan alternative. This recipe is full of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals and is also low in calories and fat! Feel free to swap out any veggies for added variety.

2. Tacos


These are great for a quick meal that you can create with any ingredients you have leftover! A great example is tortillas filled with avocado, black beans, cherry tomatoes, corn and lettuce. The best part is, there’s no cooking involved! These can be fully customised to whatever ingredients you fancy. So feel free to add some soy meat or tofu too!

3. Chickpea Curry

This recipe is a favourite staple amongst many vegans and it is also a great meal to make for guests. Most people are used to having meat as the main ingredient for a curry however chickpeas are a great flavourful and nutritional alternative. You can also add any vegetables you wish!

4. Peanut Vermicelli Noodles

This is another recipe that requires very little effort and cooking! Simply boil the noodles and vegetables you desire and mix up the sauce and it’s done! It has lots of moreish flavour and is a great, quick ‘n’ easy meal!

5. Tofu Miso Soup

Miso Soup is a comfy recipe for those colder days where you just want to cosy up with your blanket and enjoy a hearty nutritional soup filled with great veggies. Adding tofu also adds protein to this one.

It’s good to have easy recipes on hand for those days where you don’t really want to spend a long time in the kitchen – juggling with a cupboard full of ingredients. Or maybe you’re a new vegan looking for your first dinner recipe, or looking for lowcost vegan recipes. In any case, these 5 easy vegan recipes nutritiously tick the boxes in all of these scenarios!

What are some of your favourite plant-based meals, dishes, desserts and recipes so far? Let us know in the comments below, join in the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Instagram. Want to keep it green? Then these vegan-based articles are for you!

Gemma Stevens

Gemma is a music technology graduate, who has been vegan for over 5 years! She became vegetarian 11 years ago and then transitioned to a fully Vegan lifestyle. She is very passionate about animals and the environment and this is what has inspired her to help - she loves to use her experience to help people on their vegan journey.

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