Arjuna or Arjuna Terminalia, is extracted from the bark of the reddish 80-90ft tall Arjuna tree and is native to India. Arjuna is named after the famed archer and warrior disciple of Lord Krishna, ‘Arjuna’ from the ancient Indian epic metaphysical treatise, The Mahabharata. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years, essentially as a heart and balancing remedy for the three doshas or “humors”. The available research is mostly based on animal studies but shows very promising results.
1. Protects the Heart
Arjuna is recognised as a heart tonic and for being cardioprotective. It increases coronary artery flow and protects the heart muscles. It also helps to improve symptoms in those that have suffered heart failure. It is said to have potent effects on angina as powerful as nitroglycerin.
2. Regulates Blood Pressure
Arjuna helps maintain blood pressure within the normal range, thanks to some of tannins it contains.
3. Fights Cholesterol
Arjuna may help to lower cholesterol levels in the body, as well as reducing lipid peroxidation and degradation. This is likely due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
4. Improve Energy Levels
Arjuna appears to help improve endurance in physical activities by increasing the oxygen consumption capacity of the body.
5. Helpful in Combatting Cancer
Some of the compounds in Arjuna such as Arjunolic acid seems to help reduce tumour growth as well as DNA damage.