There are several superfoods that originate from the sea, but two of them stand out as particularly interesting for thyroid function, Bladderwrack and Sea ...
Gynostemma (aka Jiaogulan) is originally from South-East Asia, and has many names, such as: Five Leaf Ginseng, Poor Man's Ginseng, Southern Ginseng, Miracle ...
Arjuna or Arjuna Terminalia, is extracted from the bark of the reddish 80-90ft tall Arjuna tree and is native to India. Arjuna is named after the famed archer ...
Brahmi, also known as waterhyssop and bacopa monnieri, is a non-aromatic perennial herb originating from the wetlands of Australia, Europe, Africa, south east ...
Seitan (pronounced, “say-tan”) is a high protein food, usually made from wheat flour, spelt flour, khorasan wheat or gluten. It's made by washing flour dough ...
Bamboo water. What comes to mind when you read that? Do you like subtle yet nutrient-filled coconut water or birch sap? Then this water might for you! As you ...
Bamboo mainly grows in East and South East Asia, and has been used throughout history as construction material, for scaffolding, ornamental blinds and many ...
Natto is a Japanese speciality made of fermented soybeans. Legend says that it was discovered a thousand years ago (around 1051 AD) and was studied for the ...
Black sesame is a small black seed also referred to as 'Hei Zhi Ma' in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It originated in Africa, and its oil was praised ...
Lecithin is usually derived from soy or sunflower, it is rich in choline and is often used as a food additive as an emulsifier, allowing to mix fats with ...