Lemons are a healthy citrus fruit that has been super popular for centuries because of how healthy they are. So if you're into keeping yourself fit, a tiny little lemon can be of immense help. That's because they come equipped with all kinds of nutrients and beneficial properties. You can also make ...
READ MORE +What piques your curiosity around a diet? When a group of your friends gloat about a new diet they are trying and are receiving amazing results, a diet you are not familiar with? The same occurred recently and I just have to ask you, have you heard of the alkaline diet? Does it make a difference ...
READ MORE +My name is David Myles. I was born into a family that, although ate meat, was otherwise health-conscious. I grew up in a period after the hysteria of mad cow disease which meant that I never experienced eating beef, or pork as the pig was considered an 'unclean parasite' in my family household. At ...
READ MORE +Wheatgrass is a type of grass that looks like the grass growing in your back yard, but it’s not. Actually, wheatgrass comes from the wheat plant and is also called “baby wheat”. Although the name might suggest that the grass contains wheat and therefore also gluten, it's actually 100 % gluten-free. ...
READ MORE +Chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, belong to the legume family and are among the most easily digested thanks to their thin shell. You probably know that your beloved hummus (or houmous) is made from chickpeas, but did you know that they were used as an alternative to coffee in the 18th century? They've ...
READ MORE +With its variety of health benefits and versatility, it’s fair to say that apple cider vinegar is becoming one of the most picked-up superfood liquids on the high street. Fermenting the sugars found in apples is what makes apple cider vinegar. These fermented sugars then turn into acetic acid -the ...
READ MORE +You probably saw the previous article on the Top 5 Health Benefits of Lemon but it actually has so many varied and wide-ranging uses that we decided to fill you in on a few more fascinating possible ways to utilise lemon. Its versatility allows it to be used in so much more than just a healthy ...
READ MORE +Cucumber is the 4th most cultivated fruit (yes, it’s actually a fruit! classed in the same family as melons and squash) in the world, and despite originating from the hot climate of India, is of course grown in a variety of climates, including Britain. With 96% of the cucumber’s weight comprising ...
READ MORE +Himalayan Salt is a form of salt that is hand mined from ancient sea beds and is untainted by modern environmental toxins. It is believed to be the purest salt found on earth and comes in varying shades of pink, red and white, due to its rich, varied mineral and iron content. There are various ...