Calisthenics: 5 Reasons Why You Should Start, Now!

Calisthenics workouts have been in the limelight for some time now, ever wondered what ‘Calisthenics’ actually means, or why and how people are opting to do this type of training? The word Calisthenics is derived from two Greek words, ‘Kalos’ which translates to beauty and ‘Stenos’ which translates ...

Top 5 Benefits of Burpees!

One of the most effective fat burning workouts, you will have seen them performed by military personnel, (it has been used by the US military since the early 1940's as a way to gauge fitness) participants of Spartan Races, bootcamps, fitness classes, crossfitters and many others. That’s right, ...

Should You Eat Eggshells?

Have you ever wondered whether you could eat the shells of eggs or reuse them instead of throwing them in the bin? We all undoubtedly know what an eggshell looks like but do we actually know what it's made of? Eggshells mainly consist of calcium carbonate (95%, 40% of which is absorbable by the ...

Magnesium: Products by Better You

Magnesium supplementation has become increasingly popular amongst athletes and gym- goers over the last couple of years. As the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, magnesium plays a role in over 300 chemical reactions within you. Scientific research shows that it has a seemingly endless ...

Top 5 Chin-Up Hacks!

The chin-up is an extremely challenging exercise which can bring impressive improvements quickly. It purposefully requires you to use a number of muscle groups, resulting in a powerful contraction of explosive energy to lift you above the bar. From strengthening your biceps to aiding flexibility ...

Top 5 Joint Strengthening Exercises!

Keeping your joints strong and healthy is a vital part of staying active and injury free! There are many factors that will affect your joint health such as weight, diet, stress and exercise levels. It is important to protect your joints in order to improve their durability throughout the length of ...

Top 5 Barre Exercises!

Whether you want to become the next prima ballerina, work on your posture alignment or to try a new fun workout with your friends – there is a Barre class for everyone. With the world of Barre at an all time high, I was keen to find London’s best classes along with the Top 5 Barre exercises to ...

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