Probiotics vs Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?

Most of the readers here may be familiar with the words “probiotics” and “prebiotics” and are also aware of the health benefits towards the well-being of the gut. However, have we really understood exactly what they are and the differences between them? There are several blogs and articles on the ...

5 Steps to Fixing Poor Gut Health

The health of your gut can have a huge knock-on effect on the rest of your health and wellbeing. When your gut is unhealthy, it’s not uncommon to suffer from poor skin, reduced immune system response, poor mental health, and even an increased risk of cancer. Humans have between 300-500 different ...

Top 5 Foods to Fight Cold & Flu this Winter!

Every year in the UK, each adult will get between 2 and 4 colds. Although getting enough sleep and exercising can all help combat the common cold, it’s important to be eating the right foods, high in certain nutrients to help your immune system fight against the virus. Immunise yourself with our ...

Top 5 Benefits of Eating Superfoods!

Today, everyone seems to be focused on eating their way to a healthy life; by now, we're mostly aware of the importance your nutrition has on your body. But with our fast-paced society, it can be difficult to eat a wide variety of food. By including known superfoods in your diet, you can get a more ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Thyme!

Originally from the Southern Mediterranean and derived from the Greek word meaning ‘Courage’, Thyme has had multiple uses throughout history. The herb has been used for purifying homes and temples and was often consumed before and after a meal to avoid being affected by poisons. Today, it stands as ...

5 Ways Humidity Affects Your Physical Health!

Humidity. You may have seen this word pop up on TV when you check the weather – but not really taken much notice of it (all I want to know is if I’m going to need my umbrella or sunglasses). But should you be taking notice of it? It is determined by the amount of water vapor in the air with 40-60% ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Frankincense!

Most commonly grown in Somalia, but also Yemen, Oman and India, Frankincense is a miraculous oil sourced from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree and others of a similar species. It is an extremely durable tree, with the ability to grow in little soil with low amounts of hydration. Frankincense ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Buckwheat!

Buckwheat is a pseudo grain - it has grain-like properties but is not a grain. Also, it has no relation to wheat as the name suggests. In Europe, countries like Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine are large producers of buckwheat. Similarly, Russia, the United States and China are main global buckwheat ...

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