Bodybuilders are beginning to ‘beef up’ without any meat or dairy at all. No more gulping down six raw eggs in the morning, no more belly-bloating milk-based protein shakes and certainly no more heavy meaty meals! In 5 Top Vegan Bodybuilders we learn that bodybuilders are weighing up what is best for them and it’s resulting in a huge plant-power movement!
As you can probably imagine these vegan muscle men are popular and rapidly gaining a media following in addition to their gains in the gym. An Instagram blog devoted to this new unique trend Vegan Bodybuilding is 60k followers strong- I think I am probably now wrong in describing the account as anything close to being merely a niche.
1. Barny Du Plessis age 41 is a UK Vegan and 2014 Mr Universe. Not only are bodybuilders going vegan but they are going for gold! Barny hasn’t always been powered by plants but made the change after dealing with a few diet related health challenges. He’s swapped his carnivorous meals for high protein vegan recipes and has since noticed a dramatically positive change in his health, along with an increased energy level, quicker recovery times and an improved physique!
“The world’s strongest animals are plant-eaters: gorillas, buffaloes, elephants, and me!” – Barny Du Plessis
2. Torre Washington has been vegan since 1998 but only started natural bodybuilding in 2009. He won the second ever show he entered and has since been placed top three in all but one of the 16 shows he has entered! Torre isn’t just a winner in his bodybuilding career he has also been awarded the ‘Humane Hero Award’ by the Florida Humane League this year for his animal advocacy. A man of many talents.
“My commitment to being a vegan is to share with the world how human beings can exist holistically with all beings and not only survive, but thrive as a vegan” – Torre Washington
3. Greg Moormann is a natural vegan bodybuilder who has as many winnings as he has muscles! He has recently won the Masters Physique age 50+, Novice Physique, Open Physique Tall, and the 40+ category titles along with many more! Greg’s fantastic fitness level and unique vegan lifestyle have lead him to be featured in Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine three times already! The camera’s certainly focussed on both his build and vegan health results.
“I have thrived on plant based foods and am leaner and more muscular than ever before” – Greg Moormann
4. Max Seabrook isn’t quite a competing vegan bodybuilder (yet) but he is most certainly a vegan who is building up some serious muscle. 25-year-old Max, a personal trainer who is also attending medical school, openly shares before vegan and after vegan pictures to prove what plant protein can really achieve. Maximum effort is being put into his career, body form, lifestyle and his vegan diet is helping him every step of the way.
“…going vegan was the best decision of my life” – Max Seabrook
5. Amanda Riester is a female vegan bodybuilder, boxer and an absolute knock out! After a ten year boxing career which saw her win four titles, Amanda hung up her Chicago golden gloves and pursued coaching and bodybuilding. She has since won major body-building titles alongside working as a pet-loss grief counsellor, a professional animal communicator and a volunteer at a dog rescue centre. Being vegetarian since the age of 5 and a vegan since 29, she describes herself as a cancer survivor that appreciates a cancer-prevention plant-based diet. Truly a case of plant power! Check out these other Vegan women who lift!
“…the fact that I am lean, strong and healthier than ever – well those are just exciting perks!” – Amanda Riester
All of the vegan bodybuilders here are clearly not just following a fad; they are raising the bar on health and fitness and completely changing their entire lifestyles. Bodybuilders are such an amazing example and proof that people need not simply survive but more than thrive on plant based foods! They have set themselves free from stereotype, ‘faddy’ diets whilst still hitting the weights every day. Are you training as hard as a vegan? Tweet us @keepfitkingdom and show us how you’ve molded yourself on using plant power (inside™)! You can also read up on some other well known vegan athletes in our previous article.
The individual named “Moormann” is not vegan. He lies and also takes steroids he is also not natural. His version of vegan is still eating pounds of fish, muscle and clams. He takes steroids that “won’t get him caught” and gloats about it loudly. Your article should be revised. Not to mention many other problematic issues with this individual whom should not be praised.