3 Different Types of CBD Oil Products

When looking for CBD oil products, you’ve probably seen that there are different types of CBD ie. cannabinoid spectrum options, to select from. You can purchase full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, or CBD isolates. While these three types of products may sound similar, they’re actually very ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Lovage

Lovage or Levisticum officinale is a herb native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe. Lovage has an ancient history. It was introduced into Britain by the Romans and brought here by early English colonists. Lovage is also known as sea parsley, and the leaves and stem of the lovage plant ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Mugwort

Mugwort is the cousin of Wormwood and St John's Wort. In medieval times people used mugwort to make a beer called "gruit" and the beer was drunk from a mug and it seems likely that this is the reason mugwort is called this. 'Wort' means plant, herb or root in old English. It is also a native ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Buchu!

Spotted by its rough-edged leaves and star-shaped flowers, Buchu is harvested from the dried leaves of three kinds of Buchu Barosma plants. It's a herb native to the fynbos family of South Africa’s Cape region. Fynbos refers to the myriad of plants grown along this stretch of mountainous land. ...

What’s The Fuss About CBD Oil?

Society is assuredly moving towards being more health-conscious than ever as evidenced by the huge interest in natural health options. We are more concerned about the food we eat and any hormones or chemicals that may be present, hence the greater emphasis on ‘clean’ eating.  There is also a shift ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Dandelion Greens!

Dandelions, those little yellow-flowered weeds that have probably popped up in your garden once or even a dozen times. But here’s the good news: these fellows are less floral pests, more nutritional powerhouses! From their golden-hued flowers to their leaves and roots, the entire plant is edible. ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Ginseng!

A common ingredient in many energy drinks both natural and perhaps those less so, this herbal plant has been used to alleviate many ailments and provide energy and focus. There are 11 different varieties in the 'Panax genus' with American and Asian being the most popular. Though it should be noted ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Maca!

Maca root, or lepidium meyenii, is a biennial plant (meaning it takes two years to complete its biological lifecycle) hailing from the high altitude regions of Peru and Bolivia. Although a member of the cruciferous family, maca is a root vegetable similar to the radish or turnip family, but grows ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera!

Aloe Vera is one of the most popular plants being widely used for its remarkable medicinal properties and variety of health benefits. Being a plant species of the genus Aloe and from the lily family, the green cactus-like plant holds a sticky translucent gel that is used often in skin and beauty ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Basil!

Did you know that there are around 60 different types of basil? Also known as 'Tulsi' or 'holy basil', it's a very fragrant plant, used as a seasoning herb for numerous dishes as well as being widely known as the main ingredient for pesto sauce. Basil leaves are used to improve the flavour of ...

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