5 Great Reasons to Play Volleyball!

Want to try out one of the fastest-growing sports? Then this summer, why not “dive” into the audacious world of volleyball? Volleyball will push your physical and mental strengths and character to the max. Curious? Find out more and read on for 5 Great Reasons to Play Volleyball!

1. Tremendous physical & health benefits

Volleyball not only improves your physical health, it also helps you to tremendously improve your hand-to-eye coordination, reflexes and balance among other things. If you don’t mind working up a sweat and playing hard, volleyball is an extremely dynamic sport which really pushes your muscles, stamina and body. You’ll be sprinting and diving across the court to pick up a ball one minute, to find yourself explosively jumping up to block a ball the next.

2. Develops social bonds

Volleyball is played with two teams of six players on the court, divided by a net. I often find friends I’ve made over the years of playing on the opposite side of the net. Due to the communication-centric nature of the sport, you’re inevitably going to meet other people. The aspect of volleyball I consider to be the most fun, is the interaction with your five fellow players. There’s bonding, communication and camaraderie – some of the best friends you’ll ever make will be through the intense, loud and sweaty game of volleyball.

3. Ideal both indoor and outdoor

The best thing about the game is that when the sun is shining and the birds are singing you can hit the beach, set the net up and get some two-on-two beach volleyball going. However, when it’s grey and ‘raining cats and dogs’, (as we in the UK and Northern Europe experience too well), don’t worry about getting cold and wet. Simply opt for the comfort of the indoor volleyballing alternative!

4. You can use your entire body in the game

Volleyball has a lot of rules, and although it might take a while to learn, unlike most other sports, you’re able to use any and every part of your body, so feel free to spice up your combinations of techniques and skills!

5. Non-contact, competitive & minimal injuries

For all of you injury-prone athletes out there, no need to fear. The net and rules divide the teams enough to minimise any potential physical altercations. While all sports carry a risk of injury, the odds are far less in volleyball. Having said that, I would always recommend wearing knee-guards just to be on the safe side, to protect those precious knees!

Itching to play volleyball already? Check out some Facebook groups or do a quick Google search for volleyball clubs or assocations that are close to you and get started! With the summer coming up, this is the perfect time to get yourself into beach volleyball, plus, you’ll be getting youself a tan at the same time! Why not challenge yourself by giving it a go and bringing some friends along to try it too? Love volleyball? Feel free to share your thoughts on what you like most about it below and follow the conversation on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. (Check out these tips, and hacks to help you Keep YOUR Fittest version of you ON!)

Lars Engen

Lars is a dedicated volleyball athlete and gym enthusiast. He has played NCAA volleyball for NYU (New York University) and played for the volleyball club IBB Polonia in London. With them he won the English Men's Volleyball Super League and the first ever international tournament, NEVZA. Outside of volleyball, Lars is active in sports at King's College London, where he is on the football team.

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