5 Reasons Why You’ve Hit A Training Wall!

They say all good things must come to an end. As philosophical as that sounds it’s not exactly what we want to hear when it comes to our training progress. Yet at some point or another most of us are faced with this harsh reality. Thankfully, there’s no need to worry, because in 5 Reasons Why ...

Bodybuilding Legends – Frank Zane

Ask any serious bodybuilder to name his favourite bodybuilders, chances are Frank Zane will be mentioned. In Bodybuilding Legends - Frank Zane, we take a look at this legendary bodybuilder who many believe had the perfect physique in what has been called the 'golden era' of bodybuilding. Zane had a ...

5 Top Smith Machine Exercises!

In gyms all around the world the Smith machine (a barbell fixed between steel rails, for vertical or off-vertical plane only movements) is an undervalued and misunderstood piece of equipment, especially when compared to its more revered elder-sibling; the barbell. However with a few minor ...


Title: PiYo Creator: Chalene Johnson Year: 2014 Publisher: Beachbody Synopsis: PiYo is a fusion of powerful Pilates- and Yoga inspired moves with an amped-up pace, for serious fat burning cardio, strengthening, and lengthening – all in one! Now, in just 60 days, you can get the intense ...

Training for success: Olympic Swimming!

With the Rio Olympics upon us it have you ever considered what an Olympic swimmer has to go through in order to succeed? Read on for our special, Training for Success: Olympic Swimming! Champion swimmers tend to commence swimming at a very tender age, join a local club, compete at club level, ...

5 Top Abdominal Exercises!

Your abdominals and core are the foundation of each and every movement your body performs keeping your body upright whilst allowing your body to hold proper posture. Your abdominals work 24/7 even when lying down so with this fact taken into consideration, a specific routine should be devised for ...

5 Top Shoulder Exercises!

The shoulder girdle has among the most important joints and muscles in the body in order to perform a diverse range of pressing and raising movements. Every upper body movement is assisted by the rotator cuff which forms part of the shoulder. 5 Top Shoulder Exercises presents some exercises that ...

Top 5 Chest Exercises!

The chest is a complex muscle which can be hard to target directly unless using the correct technique. This will usually involve pressing movements that keep your shoulder blades retracted. This helps zero-in on the pecs while ensuring maximum stretch is achieved on the negative part of the rep for ...

Why Women Should Lift!

In this article, Why Women Should Lift, we make it easy to understand why women need never fear lifting weights ever again! Many women take regularly to the gym with the goal of losing weight or more specifically, losing fat. On a mission to reach their goals, some spend hours repetitively ...

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