Protein: 4 Keys to Know How Much You Really Need!

Protein is important for our health due to it being essential for all cells in the body. When working out, you create micro-tears in your muscles, and protein helps repair those tears as it contains amino acids, the building blocks to rebuilding muscle tissue. Want to know how much to take? Read on ...

Meat vs Veg: Is There Really Any Contest?

Today, an ever-growing community of people are keeping animals off their plates in an effort to better their health, animal welfare, and the environment. Going meat-free has so many benefits that once you’re there, you won’t look back – but sometimes kick-starting this new lifestyle can seem ...

3 Healthy Pescatarian Dishes You Should Try!

Embarking on a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle is, without a doubt, extremely beneficial to your health, but it isn’t always the easiest to commit to when just starting out. There are many days when you'll probably go shopping or order online takeaways and relapse on fatty-meat foods, jeopardizing ...

Why I’m Giving Veganuary a Try!

What the heck is Veganuary? Veganuary is a trial month of the vegan diet. You can go to their website to set up your 'Veganuary month' and it’s completely free! They give you tips, cookbooks on the vegan diet and lots more. I thought I'd give it a go this month - read on for Why I'm Giving ...

10-Year Veggie: My story so far…

Eating a vegetarian diet isn’t nearly as uncommon as it once was with many people making the switch due to its association with improved health outcomes including lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Research has shown that vegetarians tend to consume a ...

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