Miso (みそ or 味噌) is a traditional Japanese and Chinese fermented ingredient that has been used for centuries. Its paste is made by fermenting soybeans with koji (fungus) and salt (sometimes other ingredients like rice, millet and barley may be added). There are many different types of Miso mainly ...
READ MORE +Have you ever wondered whether you could eat the shells of eggs or reuse them instead of throwing them in the bin? We all undoubtedly know what an eggshell looks like but do we actually know what it's made of? Eggshells mainly consist of calcium carbonate (95%, 40% of which is absorbable by the ...
READ MORE +Microgreens are seedlings of vegetables and herbs that have been harvested less than 14 days after they germinate. This means they are usually very small and come in a whole array of colours and tastes. These qualities have meant that they have become popular with chefs as garnishes. Given how ...
READ MORE +Coconuts originally come from the Indonesian region and are widespread across south-east Asia, but it now grows in the middle-east, as well as south and central America. Coconuts have plenty of goodness but at different stages of maturation. After 7 months, they are green and contain mostly coconut ...
READ MORE +Beauty is a multi-billion-pound (and dollar) industry, and a big part of this sector is dedicated to anti-aging. However, aging is a multi-level concept, one that encompasses both what you look like on the outside as well as how your body functions on the inside. Therefore, we’ve gone beyond the ...
READ MORE +Every year in the UK, each adult will get between 2 and 4 colds. Although getting enough sleep and exercising can all help combat the common cold, it’s important to be eating the right foods, high in certain nutrients to help your immune system fight against the virus. Immunise yourself with our ...
READ MORE +Another of the major league medicinal mushrooms, reishi or 'Ganoderma lucidum', is native to several regions across Asia, such as Korea, China and Japan and can currently be found growing on hardwood trees worldwide in tropical and subtropical climates. "Reishi" is the Japanese word for this ...
READ MORE +It’s no surprise that eating breakfast is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Despite this, according to the British Dietetic Association, up to a third of Britons skip breakfast. Although cereals still make up 89% of the bulk of breakfast choices in the UK, people are looking elsewhere for ...
READ MORE +We all know that balanced nutrition is the way forward when aiming to optimize your energy levels, boosting performance and achieving your goals, so when we create our ‘perfect meal’ (specific to each person based on their needs), not only should it be bursting with flavour and nutrients but also ...
READ MORE +Indian Gooseberries aka Amla which comes from the Sanskrit word Amlaki which means 'fruit of heaven' or botanically as Phyllanthus emblica, belongs to the Phallancea family. Native to the Indian subcontinent, the Amla tree is thought to cure most diseases and promote longevity. This potent ...