Top 5 Benefits of Playing Rugby!

Rugby offers a vast range of benefits and not just physical ones, it also has the ability to enhance social interaction, improve your state of mind and even mould you into a more improved version of yourself! Who would have thought that such a vigorous contact sport could offer so many benefits, to ...

Top 5 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga!

Something a bit different this week, as we at Keep Fit Kingdom are trying out Kundalini yoga. What is this, you ask, and how is it different to ordinary kinds of yoga exercises? Well, Kundalini refers more to inbound meditation and the awakening of your mind rather than merely physical stretches. ...

Top 5 Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga!

If you're desperately looking for a new form of yoga to practice, then look no further than Vinyasa yoga. The word 'Vinyasa' translates (from the Sanskrit terms vi "in a special way" + nyasa, which means "to place") as 'arranging something in a special way' which is exactly what you'll be doing ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Cordyceps!

Cordyceps (caterpillar fungus) is a medicinal mushroom that is a wild fungus and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 5,000 years. There are numerous species of cordyceps, however the most researched and popular is Ophiocordyceps sinensis. It is found at high altitudes of ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Hibiscus!

Hibiscus, or Hibiscus Sabdariffa, is a tropical flower belonging to the Malvaceae family. Botanists believe that there are eight original hibiscus species that can be considered ancestors of the hibiscus hybrids found today. These are said to be native to India, China, Mauritius, Hawaii, Fiji, and ...

In-Fusion Ayurvedic Tea

The In-Fusion Ayurvedic Tea range offer an intense flavoured selection of herbal beverages, which it describes as ‘ancient Indian philosophy in a cup,’ that will quench your thirst and satisfy your mind, body and soul whilst leaving you feeling relaxed, invigorated or energised. The numerous health ...

Top 5 Reasons to Practice Inversions!

Apart from making a great photo on Instagram, practicing inversions has many amazing benefits on your body and mind. An inversion is basically any pose where the head is below the heart, so you don’t need to be able to kick up into handstand to achieve this.  More gentle inversions include downward ...

What does it mean to be Mindful?

The word 'mindful' has been used so many times in different ways by the media in recent years that it can be tricky to pin down what it really means! What does it mean to be mindful? You’d be forgiven for not really knowing how to explain it because believe me I was the same! Does it mean being ...

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