Functional fitness exercises are crucial for maintaining overall physical strength, endurance, and flexibility. These exercises focus on movements that mimic everyday activities and improve the body's ability to perform tasks efficiently. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or ...
READ MORE +A short while ago, health and fitness training equipment and accessories company, DMoose sent us a pair of their wrist wraps to try and we were eager to put them to the test. Follow on for our review of DMoose: Adjustable Wrist Wraps to find out how they fared! Design & Materials ...
READ MORE +Periodization has been performed for years by bodybuilders, and usually it's the Matveyev Linear method that's used by bodybuilders and athletes. But what if I told you there was an even better periodization program to improve performance and muscle gains? Follow on for Strength Training: Undulated ...
READ MORE +Grip strength (see our interview with grip-strength pro, David Horne) is something athletes and gym-goers are now becoming more aware of. Thick bar adapters, tools to convert barbell and dumbbell handles to a wider diameter, have become more popular recently. A relative newcomer to this market is ...
READ MORE +The most common complement I get from women (especially at the gym) is, “you have a very attractive and curvy backside”, followed by the question, “what exercises do you do for your glutes?”. It’s extremely difficult for me to make them understand that my exercises don’t affect the size or shape of ...
READ MORE +Most staple leg exercises are pretty knee-heavy. Squats, lunges, deadlifts (and even going for a run) can aggravate existing knee injuries or introduce problems if performed incorrectly or without adequate rest between workouts. Whether you’re trying to avoid straining your knees whilst you recover ...
READ MORE +The season of outdoor barbecues with burgers galore and festivals where you consume alcohol almost as much as the music, is well and truly over; and as we enter the autumn months you may have noticed that you’ve gained a few pounds. The best way and often quickest way to get your body back in shape ...
READ MORE +Mariusz Pudzianowski is the second man to feature in our new World’s Strongest Man series. Being the only man to have ever won the World’s Strongest Man title five times makes him a distinguishable character. Just a quick glance at his muscled physique and serious face shows he’s a man who means ...
READ MORE +Acquiring the qualities of size, symmetry and definition is a challenge for all bodybuilders. Next up in our Bodybuilding Legends series is Laura Creavalle one bodybuilder who possessed all these qualities. A three times Ms. International winner and an incredible thirteen times Ms. Olympia ...
READ MORE +Every serious bodybuilding fan should know the name Bill Pearl. One of the most outstanding bodybuilders ever, this four times Mr Universe is one of the greatest champions who has spent most of his life contributing enormously to this sport. Bill Pearl started lifting weights at an early age and ...