cardiovascular disease
Eating Red Meat — My Experience (Pros & Cons)

Red meats are meats that are easy to identify, they're simply red in colour when they are raw. These include beef, lamb, mutton, pork, goat, veal, and venison. These types of meats appear to be red as they are rich in myoglobin (a protein that binds iron and oxygen) and when encountering oxygen, it ...

Salt: 5 Ways to Reduce Your Intake!

We need salt in the body to maintain fluid balance within our cells, and to transport water around the body. Adults generally should not consume more than 6g per day, which is roughly the size of a teaspoon. However, the 2018 / 2019 National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that we, as a ...

Bromelain: Top 5 Health Benefits

Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme extract found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant, 'Ananas Comosus'. It is used as a form of dietary supplement due to its active ingredients proteinases and proteases. These enzymes work to break down proteins in the body. Bromelain is often used as ...

Omega 3: Best Vegan Food Sources

You might remember unwillingly taking those squishy, orange-filled tablets as an adolescent, despite knowing little about the reasoning behind it. Those tablets were in fact a source of omega 3, vital for the development of the brain and body. Curious? Then check out these Omega 3: Best Vegan Food ...

5 Top Anti-aging Secrets!

Beauty is a multi-billion-pound (and dollar) industry, and a big part of this sector is dedicated to anti-aging. However, aging is a multi-level concept, one that encompasses both what you look like on the outside as well as how your body functions on the inside. Therefore, we’ve gone beyond the ...

Top 5 Benefits of Hatha Yoga!

It's that time of week again, where I unleash further ramblings about a different kind of yoga. This time, Hatha Yoga is under the spotlight. The word 'Hatha' means 'forceful' in Sanskrit, which is the ancient Indian language that is the source of most yogic terminology. It can be used to describe ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Allspice!

Used widely in South America, Mexico and Caribbean dishes, Allspice (aka Jamaica pimenta, comes from the unripe, dried Pimenta dioicais fruit and) is seen as a wonderful, multi-purpose spice. It can be used in sweet and savoury dishes due to its pungent and fragrant smell. Allspice has also been ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Coriander!

Used by Hippocrates in ancient Greece and introduced to the UK in the late Bronze Age, Coriander has become one of the bestselling herbs however, while they are regarded as one of the most popular, not many people know what this fantastic herb can really do for them. Curious? Then read on to ...

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